PASPS – Policy area ‘Spatial Planning’ Support

The PASPS project aims to support the objectives assigned in the PA Spatial Planning of the EU Regional Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Action Plan, and it is co-lead by VASAB and HELCOM.
The project will strengthen the coordination of strategic management of the PA Spatial Planning, support the implementation of the pan-Baltic spatial planning framework: VASAB Vision 2040 (updated Long-term Perspective), Regional Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2021-2030, and HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.
Furthermore, PASPS project will strengthen the integrated implementation of EUSBSR and recently developed VASAB Vision 2040. It will facilitate identification of potential actions, activities and project ideas for successful implementation of PA`s framework. In addition, it will build up the visibility, outreach and integration of PA Spatial Planning to other regional and European activities, as well as promote the flagship projects and their results.

Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky
HELCOM Special Advisor
+358 40 630 9933

Lotta Ruokanen
HELCOM Professional Secretary
+358 40 505 0392