“Practical implementation of the COMPLETE project outputs and tools” (COMPLETE PLUS)
A successor of the initial COMPLETE project that focussed on minimizing the introduction of alien species via ballast water and biofouling, the continuation COMPLETE PLUS aims to ensure that the outputs and tools from COMPLETE will be operationalized to ensure their concrete implementation and sustainable use.
This will be achieved by outreach and training of all main target groups – such as shipping companies, environmental and maritime authorities, ports, contracting parties of HELCOM – in the practical implementation and real-world application of the COMPLETE outputs. A central part of this work is the elaboration of specific mechanisms and pathways for the long-term maintenance of these tools and their further sustainable use through coordination between relevant end-users.
There will be seven main outcomes of COMPLETE PLUS:
- the validated operationality of the Early Warning System on harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens aimed to minimize the uptake of ballast water by ships under critical biological conditions;
- the updated Target Species list ready to use by shipping companies for applying and by maritime administrations for granting exemptions under the Ballast Water Management Convention;
- a unified online service with user-friendly data extraction tools ensuring accessibility and use of all available monitoring data on non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea by relevant governmental authorities and stakeholders;
- the proposal for HELCOM guidance documents of biofouling management, available for both commercial shipping and the boating sector, based on the Baltic Sea Biofouling Management Roadmap;
- the practical guidance for choosing anti-fouling systems and applications in real-life conditions for shipping companies and for the leisure boat owners;
- the tested tool for evaluating the biofouling risk and its cost-effective management and the tool for assessment of biofouling management on ship speed, fuel consumption and emissions; and
- the risk assessment procedure for granting permissions for in-water cleaning.
The planned work in COMPLETE PLUS will be carried out together with the relevant target groups, represented by the associated partners and the stakeholder network of the COMPLETE project.
The COMPLETE PLUS project is co-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. The project starts in April 2021 and ends in December 2021 and will be implemented by the COMPLETE project partners.
More info
The work of the project can be followed at and on Twitter at @balticcomplete and #BalticComplete.

Manuel Sala Pérez
Project Researcher (COMPLETE)
Tel: +358 40 167 8611

Marta Ruiz
Associate Professional Secretary
Tel: +358 40 6472424