Pan Baltic Scope

HELCOM has been an active partner in the EU-funded Pan Baltic Scope project on advancing maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea region, where it led the work on economic and social analyses, as well as on cumulative impacts. In the project that ended in December 2019, HELCOM also collaborated on a data sharing activity to support regional cooperation and transboundary coherence in MSP, that, together with the Interreg project Baltic LINes, led to the development of BASEMAPS, a web-based tool showing decentralized MSP data through open standard services meant to facilitate the development of coherent plans across the Baltic Sea region.
HELCOM involvement
Economic and Social Analyses (Activity leader)
The main objective of activity is to establish a shared basis for further work on inclusion of social and economic analyses in MSP. The inclusion of social and economic analyses in MSP advances the implementation of the ecosystem-based approach.
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Cumulative Impacts (Activity leader)
The aim is to enhance shared Baltic-wide spatial data, and to develop knowledge capacity and tools for addressing cumulative environmental impacts in connection to maritime spatial planning.
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Data Sharing
The goal of activity is to facilitate data exchange and cooperation under MSP consultations. With the help of a Baltic MSP web-map, countries should be able to exchange MSP Output data needed for any kind of analysis in order to have maritime spatial plans coherent across borders.
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