Platform on Integrated Water Cooperation (2018-2021)

aims to enhance continuous cross-sectoral cooperation and knowledge transfer in
water management in the BSR countries. The project partnership represents a
variety of water-related projects: Interactive Water Management (IWAMA),
Advanced manure standards for sustainable nutrient management and reduced
emissions (Manure Standards), Water emissions and their reduction in village
communities (VillageWaters), Better Efficiency for Industrial Sewage Treatment
(BEST), Integrated Storm Water Management (iWater), and Reviving Baltic
Resilience (RBR).
In the project, an interactive online water management platform, called Baltic Smart Water Hub, is created. Solutions are collected covering broad variety of water-related issues (smart nutrient management and sludge handling, storm water management, domestic and industrial waste water treatment, manure management and energy efficiency). The outcomes and practical findings of the contributing projects are used to facilitate the long-term development of regional environmental policy and recommendations as well as aligned marco-regional and national environmental policies further promoting implementation of advanced water protection measures resulting in clean and resilient Baltic Sea Region. The BSR WATER project is co-financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.
HELCOM contribution
HELCOM is leading the work package 4 “Facilitation of the regional policy dialog on sustainable water management”. The activities included are developing regional policy recommendations on nutrient recycling and developing regional policy recommendations on hazardous substances.
The results of will serve for implementing HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and regional commitments such as recycling of nutrients, prevention of micropollutants from wastewater effluents, and implementation of Recommendation on sewage sludge handling.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky
Special Advisor
Tel: +358 40 630 9933
Skype: helcom68