
Head of Delegation
Jaak Viilipus
Ministry of Climate
Suur-Ameerika 1, EE-10122 Tallinn Estonia
Teemo Toomsalu
Ministry of Climate
Suur-Ameerika 1, EE-10122 Tallinn Estonia
Phone: +372 58851230
Press Contact
Agnes Aaslaid
Ministry of Climate
Phone: +372 56 612 77
The Estonian Baltic

Estonia is located in the north-eastern part of the Baltic Sea. The length of the Estonian coastline is 3,794 km of which 1,242 km are on the mainland and 2,552 km are divided among the islands.
Estonians would hardly be what they are without the sea. The sea not only determines the local climate, but it has through centuries moulded the character and lifestyle of Estonians. Mostly tranquil itself, the sea has given the Estonians their calm and tolerance.
The sea has always been the primary provider for local residents. Today about 8000 Estonian inhabitants are employed in the Baltic Sea fisheries sector – both fishing and fish-processing. There are many more of them who like to eat the Baltic Sea fish.