Expert Group on economic and social analyses
Economic and social analyses (ESA) are a crucial tool for making informed decisions that protect and sustainably use the marine environment to secure the benefits for both society and environment. The overall aim of the expert group is to enhance regional cooperation on the economic and social analyses related to the Baltic Sea marine environment. The expert group will serve as a platform for discussion and information exchange on ongoing and planned ESA work throughout the region, and it will act to develop and agree on regional approaches for ESA. The work will be set up to support both regional and national ESA work to fulfil HELCOM and other commitments of the Contracting Parties.
The work of the experts from the coastal countries has been supported by several projects. The ACTION project (2019-2020), with guidance from the HELCOM SOM Platform, supported the BSAP update by assessing the sufficiency of existing measures to improve the marine environment and the cost-effectiveness of potential new measures. The Pan Baltic Scope project (2018-2019) reviewed available methods, data and literature for assessing economic, social and ecosystem service impacts in maritime spatial planning, and developed recommendations on economic and social analyses to support MSP. The ESA group developed regional economic and social analyses on the use of marine waters and cost of degradation for the HOLAS II updated “State of the Baltic Sea” report with the support from the TAPAS project (2016) and the SPICE project (2017).

Kristīne Pakalniete
Chair of EG ESA

Luke Dodd
Project researcher
HELCOM Secretariat

Susanna Kaasinen
Associate Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
+358 40 536 5819