Advanced manure standards for sustainable nutrient management and reduced emissions (2017-2019)

Manure Standards is a two-year (10/2017–09/2019) project aiming to provide farmers, advisors, authorities and policy-makers enhanced capacity to govern and to turn manure use towards improved sustainability and resource-efficiency.
Manure Standards is coordinated by Natural Resources Institute Finland
(Luke) and includes partners from 9 countries around the Baltic Sea:
Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and
Estonia as well as HELCOM. The list of partners is available on Luke’s website.
The project is a flagship project of EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Bioeconomy and it is co-financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.
HELCOM contribution
HELCOM is leading the work package 5 “National/BSR actions for implementing the new manure tools in manure policies and on farms” which helps to implement the HELCOM commitment to develop guidelines/recommendation for the use of national manure standards (HELCOM Ministerial Meeting 2013).
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Susanna Kaasinen
Project Manager
Tel. +358 40 536 5819
Skype: helcom85