Environmental impact of low sulphur ship fuel: measurements and modelling strategies (2016–2018)

EnviSuM project objective:
to study technical efficiency and socio-economic impacts of clean shipping solutions
Project specific objectives:
- To provide policy makers and authorities with tools and recommendations for the development of future regulations benefiting the environment and public health in the Baltic Sea Regio
- To provide tested and analysed results on efficiency of the different clean shipping solution
- To assess present and future compliance costs, health and environmental effects of ship emissions in view of the IMO regulations that entered into force in January 2015
- To enhance sustainable development in the form of cost effective means for clean shipping

Project partners
- University of Turku (lead partner)
- Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Chalmers University of Technology
- Maritime Development Center
- Norwegian Meteorological Institute
- Maritime University of Szczecin
- Tallinn University of Technology
- City of Gothenburg
- University of Gothenburg
- Baltic Marine Consult GmbH
- Nordkalk Corporation
Associated partners
- The city of St. Petersburg
- State Company Mineral
Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (Poland)
- Port of Gothenburg
- Finnish Port Association
- Faergen
- Shortsea Promotion Centre (SPC) Finland
- MAN Diesel & Turbo
- Union of the Baltic Cities
- Port of Tallinn
Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and State Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommen (Germany)
- Agency of Regional Air Quality Monitoring in Gdansk
- Port of Gdynia Authority
- Port of Gdansk Authority
- Port of Sxczecin and Swinoujscie Authority
- Polish Shipowners’ Association
For more information, please contact:

Ms. Sari Repka
Project Manager
Centre for Maritime Studies
University of Turku
Mobile +358 40 801 9206