Baltic Sea project to boost regional coherence of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments, and knowledge base for development of measures (2015-2016)

BalticBOOST is a EU co-financed project coordinated by HELCOM.
The main objective of the project is to improve regional coherence in the implementation of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments, and knowledge base for development of measures.
BalticBOOST will develop assessment tools and set up data arrangements to support indicator-based assessments of the state of and pressures on the Baltic Sea. A broader knowledge base will allow the project to propose principles for joint environmental targets for pressures affecting seabed habitats. Furthermore, the project will support the development of a joint report that documents regional coordination of actions agreed in HELCOM and MSFD Programmes of Measures for those Contracting Parties to HELCOM that are EU Member States.
The project started 15 September 2015 and was extended for 15 months.
Supporting material to the final report
WP 1.1 Deliverable 1: A tool for assessing biodiversity
WP 1.2 Deliverable 1: Databases coastal fish, birds and seals
WP 1.3 Deliverable 1: Data flow principles for trawl survey data
WP 1.4 Deliverable 1: Aligning the assessments of Good Environmental Status in the MSFD/BSAP with assessments of Favourable Conservation Status in the Habitats Directive regarding status of seal populations
WP 2.1 Deliverable 1: A tool for assessing hazardous substances
WP 2.2. Deliverable 1: A data flow for HELCOM hazardous substance assessment
WP 3.1 Deliverable 1: Estimating physical disturbance on seabed
WP3.1 Deliverable 2: Guidelines to define environmental targets for pressures affecting the seabed habitats
WP 3.2 Deliverable 1: Fisheries Impact Evaluation Tool
WP 3.2 Deliverable 2: Development and use of the Fisheries Impact Evaluation Tool BalticBOOST
WP 3.2 Deliverable 3: Technical review of the Fisheries Impact Evaluation Tool
WP 3.3 Deliverable 1: Spatial data sets on human activities and pressures acting on seabed habitats
WP 4.1 Deliverable 1: Reporting format registry of impulsive events
WP 4.1 Deliverable 2: Proposal for a regional monitoring programme of continuous noise
WP 4.1 Deliverable 3: Report on noise sensitivity of animals in the Baltic Sea
WP 4.1 Deliverable 4: Principles for defining levels of underwater noise consistent with good environmental status and decision support trees for establishing environmental targets for ambient and impulsive noise
WP 4.1 Deliverable 5: Compilation report on internationally available mitigation measures and Baltic Sea country specific information
For more information, please contact:

Ms. Ulla Li Zweifel
Tel: +358 46 850 9198
Skype: helcom64