Quality assurance of phytoplankton monitoring in the Baltic Sea 2025-2027
Quality assurance of data is an important component of the HELCOM monitoring programme, and measures were early taken to evaluate and improve the recommended methods through intercalibrations between the different partners.
The HELCOM Phytoplankton Expert Group (PEG) was established in 1992, with the main aim of unifying collection, counting and identification methods of phytoplankton species. In 2022 the group was renamed HELCOM EG Phyto (Expert Group on Phytoplankton). Since accurate biomass estimates are important in phytoplankton monitoring, the group has also made considerable efforts to standardise size-classes and biovolumes of phytoplankton species found in the Baltic Sea. The use of a standardised species list with fixed size-classes and biovolumes is a decisive measure to improve the quality of the phytoplankton counting method and the comparability of results.
The main objective of the project is to ensure and maintain high-quality standards for the international Baltic Sea regional phytoplankton monitoring within the HELCOM COMBINE Programme. This will be achieved through:
- Maintaining annual training courses
- Maintaining and improving the phytoplankton biovolume list (i.e. the HELCOM PEG Biovolume file, PEG_BVOLXXXX)
- Participation in intercalibrations, discussions around intercalibration results and taking over new findings in methodological improvements in routine phytoplankton monitoring
- Maintaining and improving the HELCOM Guidelines on monitoring of phytoplankton species composition, abundance and biomass
- Providing a forum for discussion on phytoplankton indicators and their applicability in the HELCOM area, and for assessing the results of the indicator evaluation of future HELCOM holistic assessments.
The main activities will be conducted in two sessions per year. In spring, a two-day online session will be held with the primary purpose of updating the HELCOM PEG Biovolume file (PEG_BVOLXXXX). In autumn, a 4–5 day in-person session will take place, featuring a taxonomic training course with one or more invited instructors.
Additional intersessional activities will be organized if necessary.
Project partners
Project partners represent various laboratories from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. Iveta Jurgensone, from Latvia, will be the Project Manager and convener for the period 2025-2027.
This project aligns with HELCOM priorities by ensuring that the quality of phytoplankton data is sufficient to evaluate the effects of eutrophication, changes in biodiversity and long-term trends.
Project duration
The activities will be carried out in 2025-2027 (as a continuation to the HELCOM PEG QA project 2020-2024).
Additional resources
Please see the full project document here.

Lena Avellan
Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat

Florent Nicolas
Associate Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat

Iveta Jurgensone
Project Manager
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LHEI)
Riga, Latvia