HA Spatial Planning Support

The project aims to support objectives assigned in the HA Spatial Planning of the EU strategy of the Baltic Sea Region, co-lead by HELCOM and VASAB. The project involves related activities of both partners to improve coordination, stakeholder involvement and achievement of the strategic targets of the HA Spatial Planning.
The project supports implementation of the Regional Baltic MSP Roadmap 2013-2020 adopted by HELCOM and VASAB. The project adds capacity to the joint HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG (established in2010) to act as a regional platform for coherent MSP activities. HASPS supports developing of common approach for MSP data and information sharing in Baltic Sea Region in particular through the work of the Baltic Sea Region MSP Data Expert Sub-Group.
Further, the project improves coordination and enhances visibility of HA Spatial Planning, promotes and enables more flagship projects, as well as enhances links between regional work and implementation of the 2014 EU MSP Directive.
For more information, please contact:

Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky
Professional Secretary
(Pressure, Agri, MSP)
+358 40 630 9933
Skype: helcom68