Zooplankton Indicator Integration to Monitoring in the Baltic Sea
This project is a continuation of the ZEN QAI project (2011-2014) with an overarching aim to promote zooplankton-based indicators to follow-up the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan and to support the international Baltic regional zooplankton monitoring.
The project results can also be of use for the Contracting Parties that are also EU member states for their implementation of MSFD.
Zooplankton are a major link in aquatic ecosystems and integral to food web dynamics, ecosystem productivity, nutrient and carbon cycling. With the position that zooplankton has in the food web – sandwiched between phytoplankton and fish (between eutrophication and overfishing) – data and understanding of zooplankton are a prerequisite for an ecosystem approach to management.
Summary of project activities
I. Training courses: 2015
II. Revision and update of biomass factors: 2016
III. Regional MSTS implementation and specification of GES: 2015-2017
IV. Contribution to current HELCOM activities and dialogue with scientific community, stakeholders and data holders: 2015-2017
V. Final reporting: 2017
Expected results
a) Annual reports to HELCOM;
b) Revised monitoring guidelines for zooplankton, including biomass assessment guidelines and taxonomic lists of Baltic zooplankton species;
c) Recommendations on data reporting formats for ICES database, with specified parameters needed to support the MSTS indicator;
d) Contribution to the core indicator reports and data products regarding use of zooplankton in environmental status assessment, including to the HOLAS II project;
e) Final report.
For more information, please contact:

Ms. Ulla Li Zweifel
Professional Secretary
(Gear WG, State and Conservation WG)
Tel: +358 46 850 9198
Skype: helcom 64