Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Supporting the implementation of the Union policies in the Baltic Sea


On 15 February 2023, the Commission adopted the Implementing Decision C(2023)939 amending Implementing Decision C(2021)4997 on the financing of the LIFE programme and the adoption of the work programme for the years 2021 to 2024. Its Annex I foresees an action grant for supporting the implementation of the Union policies in the Baltic Sea to be implemented by HELCOM.


The overall objective of the action is to improve the state of the Baltic Sea – one of the most fragile ecosystems in the world. In that regard, the action will provide specific support to the EU littoral countries around the Baltic Sea for a coordinated implementation of EU environmental policy in the Baltic Sea area, to achieve good environmental status of the Baltic Sea, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, the legal requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (hereinafter ‘the MSFD’), the commitments of the ‘Our Baltic’ declaration adopted in 2020 by the EU Baltic Sea States, and with the updated Baltic Sea Action Plan, HELCOM’s strategic programme.

The specific objectives are to protect, restore and improve the quality of the Baltic Sea marine waters, halt and reverse biodiversity loss and tackle marine pollution and the degradation of the Baltic Sea ecosystems in line with the EU policies and action.


Activity 1: Support the assessment of the state of the Baltic Sea under the MSFD, based on the outcomes of the HELCOM’s third holistic report on the state of the Baltic Sea.

The Activity will take a stepwise approach where each consecutive step builds on the work and output of the previous task. It will initiate with the finalization of HOLAS 3 products, followed by a post-HOLAS 3 review during which the HOLAS 3 components, process and products will be comprehensively analysed. Based on this review an initial overall HOLAS 4 workplan will be developed, with actionable topic specific development workplans ready for implementation.

Activity 2: Implementation of the HELCOM updated Baltic Sea Action Plan in line with the objectives and targets of the European Green Deal

This action will directly support the implementation of the updated HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan adopted in October 2021, focused on key challenges in the Baltic marine environment, such as marine pollution (in particular due to eutrophication), overfishing and biodiversity habitat destruction and degradation. Specifically, it will contribute to developing the following (sub)actions:

  1. Provide support for implementation of the first HELCOM regional action plan on underwater noise and of the updated regional action plan on marine litter, thus contributing to the concrete implementation of recently adopted EU threshold values for marine litter and underwater noise under the common implementation strategy (CIS) of the MSFD, in line with the Zero pollution action plan.
  2. Provide support to the implementation of HELCOM nutrient reduction scheme and HELCOM nutrient recycling strategy by 2025, in line with the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategy 2030 targets, via the production of annual and periodic assessments of inputs of nutrients and selected hazardous substances.


The maximum EU contribution is EUR 300 000, representing 75% of the total estimated eligible cost of the action (EUR 400 000) and its award is subject to the fulfilment of the award criteria.

Project duration

The duration of the action is 24 months, from 1 August 2023 onwards.


Mock Employee
Riina Kero

Administrative Officer
+358 403587701