Seventh Baltic Sea Pollution Load Compilation (2017-2019)
In Article 3 and Article 16
of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea
Area, 1992 (Helsinki Convention), the Contracting Parties agreed to undertake
measures to prevent and eliminate pollution of the marine environment of the
Baltic and to provide pollution load data, as far as available. Compilations of
pollution load data (PLC) have been an integral part of HELCOM assessment
system since 1987, focusing on annual and periodic assessments of inputs of
nutrients and selected hazardous substances.
The PLC-7 project is
based on annual water- and airborne data on nitrogen, phosphorus and selected
heavy metals from 1995-2017, periodical data from 2017 supplied with periodical data
reported in 2006 and 2014.
The project results will include such products as: an update of the pressure indicator report on progress towards fulfilment of Maximum Allowable Inputs of nutrients (MAI); an assessment of progress towards implementation of Country Allocated Reduction Targets (CART); thematic reports on sources of nutrients, effectiveness of measures to reduce nutrients inputs to the Baltic Sea and input of hazardous substances.
Tasks and deliverables
Project implementaion tasks are grouped in three major working packages:
- Monitoring and reporting of national annual/periodical data
- Updating PLC-Water database and data on atmospheric inputs (PLC-Air)
- Establishing the periodic assessment data set
- Assessment of sources of nutrients
- Assessment of the effectiveness of measures
- Assessment of inputs of selected hazardous substances
- Compilation of the executive summary including policy messages
- Updating guidelines and a statistical methodology report
- Intercalibration on heavy metals and nutrients
Expected results
- The PLC assessment data set based on annual and periodic reports of water- and airborne inputs of nutrients and selected hazardous substances from 1995 to 2017 (periodic for 2017).
- The updated HELCOM Core Pressure Indicator on nutrient inputs (update of MAI fulfilment follow-up) covering data from 1995 to 2017.
- Updated scientific report on follow up progress toward national reduction targets for nutrients, CART follow-up assessment, covering data from 1995 to 2017.
- A thematic report on sources of nutrients.
- A thematic report on effectiveness of measures to reduce nutrients inputs to the Baltic Sea.
- A thematic report on input of hazardous substances.
- Executive summary of Seventh Baltic Sea Pollution Load Compilation (PLC-7) including policy messages (also on CART).
- A report on intercalibration on heavy metals and nutrients between at least 1-2 laboratories from each Contracting Party conducting chemical analysis.
- Updated PLC guidelines on nutrients and selected heavy metals, including updated statistical methodologies used for PLC and MAI/CART assessments.
For more information, please contact:
Lars Svendsen
Project Manager
Chair of HELCOM Reduction Scheme Core Drafting Group
Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (DCE)
University of Aarhus
Vejlsoevej 25
DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
Tel: +45 4587158795