Development, Promotion and Sustainable Management of the Baltic Sea Region as a Coastal Fishing Tourism Destination

RETROUT is a three-year (10/2017–09/2020) project promoting the Baltic Sea region as a coastal fishing tourism destination. Recreational fishing in the Baltic Sea, which partly relies on sea trout, has unused potential for sustainable growth. The project aims to develop better opportunities for fishing tourism, advise on relevant policy regulations, and develop management methods for sea trout in the Baltic Sea region. This will be achieved through cooperation between project partners providing thematic expertise in river restoration, tourism development, fishery and ecosystem service management.
The project comprises 14 partners from Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, including HELCOM as an intergovernmental organization. Stockholm County Administrative Board is the lead partner responsible for the overall project coordination. RETROUT is a flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Bioeconomy. It is co-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme under the Natural resources priority field.
HELCOM contribution
HELCOM is leading the Work Package (WP) 4 “Assessment of status and management of sea trout rivers and stocks”. The aim of this WP is to assess the pressure of recreational fishing on sea trout stocks, to compile information on the status of sea trout rivers and stocks, to evaluate different river restoration methods, and to recommend best practices and management options. HELCOM is responsible for the strategic planning and coordination of the work in this WP.
The main results will be published in the HELCOM Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings (BSEP) by the end of the project. The tasks and deliverables of WP4 are in line with HELCOM 2013 Ministerial Agreements on salmon and sea trout. The activities will support implementation of the HELCOM BSAP conservation goals for the Baltic sea trout based on HELCOM Recommendation 32-33/1.
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For more information, please contact:

Henri Jokinen
Project Manager
Tel.: +358 40 663 2867