Reviewing and Evaluating the Monitoring and Assessment of Maritime Spatial Planning

Overall description
The main objective of the project is to provide the EU Member States with ReMAP innovative technical framework for the support of the European MSP process, as described within Directive 2014/89/EU. In this sense, ReMAP is focused on setting-up strategies and approaches to review/revise maritime spatial plans.
The project is grounded on the development of data tools and models and in the use of existing operational infrastructures in order to allow interoperability and enable Member States to share MSP data and assessment information. The ReMAP technical framework is mainly aimed at reviewing, assessing the performance and improving the adopted plans, building on the recent developments of the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Data for MSP and EMODnet to harmonize EU MSP layer and propose an innovative approach to modular analytics, comprised in 10 modules. They are:
- MSP “input data”
- MSP “output data”
- Cumulative Impact Assessment analytics
- Land-Sea Interactions analytics
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive and MSP relationships analytics
- Marine conservation & Maritime sectors (in)compatibility analytics
- Ecosystem services assessment analytics
- Socio-economic analytics
- Governance analytics
- Navigation Safety analytics
The proposed Modular analytics allows the monitoring and assessment of the environmental, economic and social MSP performance. This comprehensive overview will provide the basis for the understanding of the impact on the environment, how maritime & coastal sectors will interact, how this will be reflected on society and how to improve policy implementation for MSP progress in EU. These, all together, make possible the review of a wide range of key aspects related to MSP plans.
This modular framework is extendable and will be tested and applied with stakeholder participation (co-development and technology uptake), in order to ensure the usability, credibility, legitimacy and relevance of the project outputs. The use cases applied for the project will comprehend 3 levels in 3 different locations, they are: Galicia (local), Western Mediterranean (cross-border), and Baltic Sea (regional).
Work packages
- WP1 Project management and coordination – ensure effective project implementation and coordination;
- WP2 Analytical modules development – design the conceptual basis of the ReMAP technical framework – analytical modules;
- WP3 Data collection and harmonisation – collect, harmonise and update input data collections;
- WP4 Tools development & models application – developing and implementing data-driven software tools & applying the tools to the three project use cases;
- WP5 Science for Policy: engagement, communication and dissemination – designs and coordinates the participatory processes, communication and dissemination of the project results.

Deborah Shinoda
HELCOM Project Coordinator
+358 40 844 2269

Joni Kaitaranta
HELCOM Senior Data Manager
+358 46 850 9206