Initiatives to remove microplastics before they enter the sea
FanpLESStic-sea was an EU INTERREG Baltic Sea Region project aimed at decreasing and removing microplastics in the Baltic Sea.
FanpLESStic-sea envisaged outputs are:
- A model to map, understand and visualize microplastic pathways that will be applied to the partners’ cities and/or region;
- Piloting of new technology i) for filtering out microplastics; ii) sustainable drainage solutions as means for removal of microplastics; and iii) to remove microplastics from stormwater;
- Defining innovative governance frameworks and engaging a large range of players for the implementation of coordinated and cost-efficient measures resulting in locally adapted investment proposals/plans;
- Dissemination of project results, including reports on barriers and ways forward, to increase institutional capacity on up-stream and problem-targeted methods to remove microplastics.
The FanpLESStic-sea project ran for 30 months (January 2019 to December 2021).
Final Conference 30 November 2021
The Final Conference of the project was held online on 30 November 2021. Global, Baltic Sea region and EU perspectives on addressing microplastics were shared, as well as the outputs of the FanpLESStic-sea project aiming at contributing to the minimization of this problem.
The programme and presentations of the Conference are available in the HELCOM Meeting Portal on the FanpLESStic-SEA 1-2021 Meeting Site. If you did not have the chance to attend, please note that the recording of the conference is available.
Project partners
- Sweden Water Research (SE, Project Coordinator)
- Aalborg University (DK)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (FI)
- Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)
- Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LV)
- Siauliai Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (LT)
- Salt Lofoten AS (NO)
- Gdanks Water Utilities Ltd. (PL)
- Gdansk Water Ltd. (PL)
- State Autonomous Institution of the Kaliningrad region Environmental Center “ECAT Kaliningrad” (RU)
- Luleå University of Technology (SE)
Project website
Visit the project website (Sweden Water Research) where you can also find all the outputs and reports from the project,
Outcomes (publications)


Marta Ruiz
Associate Professional Secretary

Matleena Vuola
Project Coordinator