The Baltic SCOPE project focuses on planning various marine-based activities such as shipping, fishing, offshore wind farming, and protected areas – more specifically, would such activities possibly co-exist or be separated in different parts of the marine areas. Importantly, the planning of the common sea areas is to be a coordinated effort.
The project is comprised of two case studies that build upon marine spatial planning processes that have already begun – one in the Baltic Sea southwest and the other between Estonia, Latvia and Sweden.
Baltic SCOPE is led by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. HELCOM, one of the ten partners, will provide the project with maritime GIS data, especially on ship movements in the region based on the HELCOM Automatic Identification System (AIS) network. Lessons learnt on the use of maritime activities data in the Baltic Sea will also be shared with the partners.
For more information, please visit the official webite of the project here.
For more information, please contact:

Mr. Manuel Frias
Project Coordinator
Tel: +358 46 850 9209
Skype: helcom23

Mr. Florent Nicolas
Project Researcher
Tel: +358 40 668 3145
Skype: helcom66

Mr. Hermanni Backer
Project Coordinator
Professional Secretary
Tel: +358 46 850 9199
Skype: helcom02

Ms. Laura Meski
Assisting Professional Secretary
Tel: +358 40 162 2053
Skype: helcom82