Baltic Impulse Cluster

Baltic Impulse is a cluster of nine environmental projects running under Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 – 2013. The aim of the cluster is to ensure further use of outcomes of the projects and increase their visibility. The cluster, Baltic Impulse, aims also to intensify exchange of experiences and ideas and further development of cooperation through cluster partner workshops.
Baltic Impulse has organised workshops and produced a synthesis report based on the discussions.
19.9.2013 Just out:Saving the Baltic Sea Waters – Newsletter September 2013
04.9.2013 Towards a bio-based society. New cluster recommendations for more sustainable resource management n the Baltic Sea Region
30.8.2013 “Baltic Impulse – Saving the Baltic Sea Waters” brochure prepared by the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013
29.8.2013 Download the synthesis report of the Cluster!
“Sustainable resource management for a healthy Baltic Sea” – A synthesis report of Baltic Impulse
10.5.2013 Outcome of the second Baltic Impulse workshop available
11.4.2013 Download a Cluster flyer
04.3.2013 Download a Baltic Impulse presentation at the HELCOM-BONUS stakeholder conference.
21.11.2012 New Synergies for Saving the Baltic Sea Waters – Baltic Impulse Cluster’s first workshop in Helsinki
20.9.2012 Baltic Sea Action Group to lead EU’s “Saving the Baltic Sea waters” cluster