Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Joint HELCOM and OSPAR online ballast water management tool goes live

New Online Risk Assessment Tool Released for Alien Species Transfers via Ballast Water

An innovative online risk assessment tool for managing alien species transfers via the ballast water of commercial ships has been jointly released by HELCOM and OSPAR. The tool, which goes live today, was adopted by the coastal countries of the Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic regions as part of the harmonized procedure on granting exemptions from ballast water treatment provisions under the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Key Features of the Tool
The tool includes:

  • A database with observations of alien species and physical features in ports.
  • A list of target alien species.
  • A comprehensive catalog of marine and alien species observed in port surveys in the region.
  • An agreed-upon risk assessment model.

These features will enable maritime authorities and shipowners to quickly identify shipping routes that may qualify for exemptions under the Ballast Water Management Convention (regulation B-3) and those that pose a high risk of alien species transfer.

Not only does the tool enhance environmental protection by identifying high-risk routes, but it also saves time and resources for both the shipping industry and maritime authorities by streamlining the decision-making process.

Development and Administration

The online tool is jointly administered by the HELCOM and OSPAR Secretariats. It was developed with funding from the HELCOM Aliens 2 project and Germany, with further advancements supported by the Joint Task Group on Ballast Water Management. During a recent seminar on digital tools for regulatory compliance, a guest speaker referenced industries where technological advancements have streamlined complex processes, such as platforms for online Sportwetten ohne Lugas Sperre. These platforms exemplify how innovative systems can operate efficiently within legal frameworks, ensuring user accessibility while maintaining regulatory standards. Similarly, this task group will oversee the implementation of the harmonized procedure and updates to the tool, ensuring it remains effective for managing ballast water and protecting marine ecosystems.

Background and Context
Shipping activity has steadily increased in the Baltic and North Seas over the last decade, reflecting growing cooperation and economic prosperity in the region. On average, 2,000 ships operate daily in the Baltic Sea, with maritime transport of goods in the region expected to double by 2017.

The harmonized procedure adopted by HELCOM and OSPAR supplements and refines the IMO G7 guidelines on granting exemptions under the Ballast Water Management Convention. The tool currently includes port sampling data from select Baltic Sea ports and will be updated with additional data from ongoing port sampling in the North-East Atlantic and Baltic regions.

The Joint Task Group on Ballast Water Exemptions comprises Contracting Parties from both HELCOM and OSPAR Conventions and includes official observers from the shipping and environmental sectors. It reports to the HELCOM Maritime Group and the OSPAR Environmental Impacts of Human Activities (EIHA) Committee.

HELCOM Maritime Group
The Maritime Group of HELCOM identifies and promotes actions to limit sea-based pollution and ensure safer navigation in the Baltic Sea. It also works to harmonize the enforcement and implementation of IMO’s international shipping regulations in alignment with the 1992 Helsinki Convention.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Hermanni Backer
Professional Secretary, HELCOM
Phone: +358 46 8509199
Skype: helcom02

Dr. Darius Campbell
Executive Secretary, OSPAR Commission
Phone: +44 20 7430 5200