Red List of Fish and Lamprey Species

Among the fish and lamprey species, 14 were evaluated as threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable), nine as Near Threatened, eight as Data Deficient and two were regarded Regionally Extinct.

The two Regionally Extinct species in the HELCOM area are the American Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) and the common skate (Dipturus batis).
Four species were categorised as Critically Endangered, the Baltic Sea populations of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), the eel (Anguilla anguilla) and two sharks, the porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and the spurdog (Squalus acanthias), all of which have experienced dramatic population declines in the HELCOM area. Three species were assessed Endangered: the Atlantic wolf-fish (Anarhichas lupus), the whitefish (Coregonus maraena) and the ling (Molva molva), and seven as Vulnerable: sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), the tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus), the thornback ray (Raja clavata), the cod (Gadus morhua), the whiting (Merlangius merlangus), the salmon (Salmo salar) and the trout (Salmo trutta).
For all except one species, the sea lamprey, the threatened categories were assigned on the basis of estimated past population declines or, in some cases, past declines combined with projected future declines. For the sea lamprey the category assignment was based on the small size and continuously declining population. Additionally, nine species were evaluated Near Threatened and eight Data Deficient.

Fishing, either as targeted commercial or recreational fishing or as bycatch, are mentioned among the most important reasons for becoming threatened for most of the red-listed fish species. For anadromous fish species, the main threats are migration barriers due to construction of rivers. Eutrophication causing the loss of habitats, both directly due to filamentous algae covering habitats and indirectly due to oxygen deficiency, is a serious threat to several fish species.
Species Information Sheets
Name | Species name | Threat category | Threat Criteria |
HELCOM Red List Dipturus batis | Dipturus batis | Regionally Extinct (RE) | – |
HELCOM Red List Acipenser oxyrinchus | Acipenser oxyrinchus | Regionally Extinct (RE) | – |
HELCOM Red List Squalus acanthias | Squalus acanthias | Critically Endangered (CR) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Thymallus thymallus | Thymallus thymallus | Critically Endangered (CR) | A2bcd |
HELCOM Red List Anguilla anguilla | Anguilla anguilla | Critically Endangered (CR) | A3bde+4bde |
HELCOM Red List Lamna nasus | Lamna nasus | Critically Endangered (CR) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Molva molva | Molva molva | Endangered (EN) | A2d |
HELCOM Red List Anarhichas lupus | Anarhichas lupus | Endangered (EN) | A2d |
HELCOM Red List Coregonus maraena | Coregonus maraena | Endangered (EN) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Petromyzon marinus | Petromyzon marinus | Vulnerable (VU) | C2a(i) |
HELCOM Red List Raja clavata | Raja clavata | Vulnerable (VU) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Salmo salar | Salmo salar | Vulnerable (VU) | A4b |
HELCOM Red List Salmo trutta | Salmo trutta | Vulnerable (VU) | A4b |
HELCOM Red List Gadus morhua | Gadus morhua | Vulnerable (VU) | A2b,c + A4b,c |
HELCOM Red List Galeorhinus galeus | Galeorhinus galeus | Vulnerable (VU) | A2bd, D1 |
HELCOM Red List Merlangius merlangus | Merlangius merlangus | Vulnerable (VU) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Near Threatened (NT) | B1a+2a |
HELCOM Red List Merluccius merluccius | Merluccius merluccius | Near Threatened (NT) | B1a+2a |
HELCOM Red List Scophthalmus maximus | Scophthalmus maximus | Near Threatened (NT) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Zoarces viviparus | Zoarces viviparus | Near Threatened (NT) | A2b |
HELCOM Red List Aspius aspius | Aspius aspius | Near Threatened (NT) | A3d |
HELCOM Red List Cyclopterus lumpus | Cyclopterus lumpus | Near Threatened (NT) | A2b |
HELCOM Red List Enchelyopus cimbrius | Enchelyopus cimbrius | Near Threatened (NT) | A2b |
HELCOM Red List Lampetra fluviatilis | Lampetra fluviatilis | Near Threatened (NT) | A2bd |
HELCOM Red List Lota lota | Lota lota | Near Threatened (NT) | A2b |
HELCOM Red List Phrynorhombus norvegicus | Phrynorhombus norvegicus | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Pomatoschistus norvegicus | Pomatoschistus norvegicus | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Pomatoschistus pictus | Pomatoschistus pictus | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Zeugopterus punctatus | Zeugopterus punctatus | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Lebetus guilleti | Lebetus guilleti | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Lebetus scorpioides | Lebetus scorpioides | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Lesueurigobius friesii | Lesueurigobius friesii | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Lycodes gracilis | Lycodes gracilis | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Symphodus melops | Symphodus melops | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Syngnathus acus | Syngnathus acus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Syngnathus typhle | Syngnathus typhle | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Taurulus bubalis | Taurulus bubalis | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Trachinus draco | Trachinus draco | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Triglopsis quadricornis | Triglopsis quadricornis | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Alburnus alburnus | Alburnus alburnus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Alosa fallax | Alosa fallax | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Amblyraja radiata | Amblyraja radiata | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Ammodytes marinus | Ammodytes marinus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Ammodytes tobianus | Ammodytes tobianus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Clupea harengus | Clupea harengus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Cobitis taenia | Cobitis taenia | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Coregonus albula | Coregonus albula | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Cottus gobio | Cottus gobio | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Entelurus aequoreus | Entelurus aequoreus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Labrus bergylta | Labrus bergylta | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Labrus mixtus | Labrus mixtus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Liparis liparis | Liparis liparis | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Liparis montagui | Liparis montagui | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Lumpenus lampretaeformis | Lumpenus lampretaeformis | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Myoxocephalus scorpius | Myoxocephalus scorpius | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Nerophis lumbriciformis | Nerophis lumbriciformis | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Nerophis ophidion | Nerophis ophidion | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Pelecus cultratus | Pelecus cultratus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Phoxinus phoxinus | Phoxinus phoxinus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Scyliorhinus canicula | Scyliorhinus canicula | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Spinachia spinachia | Spinachia spinachia | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Somniosus microcephalus | Somniosus microcephalus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Squatina squatina | Squatina squatina | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Thunnus thynnus | Thunnus thynnus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Zeus faber | Zeus faber | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Alopias vulpinus | Alopias vulpinus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Alosa alosa | Alosa alosa | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Ballerus ballerus | Ballerus ballerus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Barbus barbus | Barbus barbus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Cetorhinus maximus | Cetorhinus maximus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Chimaera monstrosa | Chimaera monstrosa | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Coryphaenoides rupestris | Coryphaenoides rupestris | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Cottus poecilopus | Cottus poecilopus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Galeus melastomus | Galeus malestomus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Gobio gobio | Gobio gobio | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Scomber scombrus | Scomber scombrus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Sebastes norvegicus | Sebastes norvegicus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Sebastes viviparus | Sebastes viviparus | Not Applicable (NA) | – |
HELCOM Red List Pollachius pollachius | Pollachius pollachius | Not Applicable (NA) | – |