Red List of Macrophytes

Altogether, 317 species of algae, aquatic vascular plants and aquatic bryophytes were assessed in the HELCOM Red List assessment and seven of them were considered threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable).
Three species were assigned to the category Endangered (EN): one charophyte, Lamprothamium papulosum, and two vascular plants Persicaria foliosa and Hippuris tetraphylla. Four species were categorisedas Vulnerable (VU), charophytes Chara braunii and Nitella hyalina and the vascular plants Alisma wahlenbergii and Zostera noltii. Four species were assessed Near Threatened (NT): two charophytes Chara horrida and Nitellopsis obtusa and two vascular plants Crassula aquatica and Potamogeton friesii. Additionally, six species were categorised as Data Deficient (DD).
All threatened and Near Threatened speciesare characteristic for soft bottom, sheltered environments that suffer from various construction activities, traffic, tourism and other commercial use and where the effects of eutrophication are also more pronounced.

It is essential also to notice that a large proportion of macrophytes present in the Baltic Sea, 187 species in all, were left completely unevaluated due to serious or complete lack of data (Not Evaluated).
Species Information Sheets
Name | Species name | Threat category | Threat Criteria |
HELCOM Red List Lamprothamnium papulosum | Lamprothamnium papulosum | Endangered (EN) | B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v) |
HELCOM Red List Persicaria foliosa | Persicaria foliosa | Endangered (EN) | B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v) |
HELCOM Red List Hippuris tetraphylla | Hippuris tetraphylla | Endangered (EN) | B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v) |
HELCOM Red List Chara braunii | Chara braunii | Vulnerable (VU) | B2ab(iii) |
HELCOM Red List Nitella hyalina | Nitella hyalina | Vulnerable (VU) | B2ab(iii) |
HELCOM Red List Zostera noltii | Zostera noltii | Vulnerable (VU) | B2ab (iii, iv) |
HELCOM Red List Alisma wahlenbergii | Alisma wahlenbergii | Vulnerable (VU) | B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v) |
HELCOM Red List Chara horrida | Chara horrida | Near Threatened (NT) | B2b(ii,iii,iv,v) |
HELCOM Red List Crassula aquatica | Crassula aquatica | Near Threatened (NT) | B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)c(iv) |
HELCOM Red List Nitellopsis obtusa | Nitellopsis obtusa | Near Threatened (NT) | B2a |
HELCOM Red List Potamogeton friesii | Potamogeton friesii | Near Threatened (NT) | B2a |
HELCOM Red List Botrytella reinboldii | Botrytella reinboldii | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Delamarea attenuata | Delamarea attenuata | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Helminthora divaricata | Helminthora divaricata | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Myriocladia lovenii | Myriocladia lovenii | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Rosenvingiella constricta | Rosenvingiella constricta | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Stypocaulon scoparium | Stypocaulon scoparium | Data Deficient (DD) | – |
HELCOM Red List Fucus serratus | Fucus serratus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Fucus vesiculosus | Fucus vesiculosus | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Furcellaria lumbricalis | Furcellaria lumbricalis | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Chara connivens | Chara connivens | Least Concern (LC) | – |
HELCOM Red List Chara tomentosa | Chara tomentosa | Least Concern (LC) | – |