BSR MSP Data Expert Sub-Group
Data and information are crucial components of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), which also create a basis for cross-border consultations and ensures coherence of maritime spatial planning throughout the Baltic Sea. The purpose of the BSR MSP Data Expert Sub-Group is to provide methodological support to the joint HELCOM-VASAB MSP Working Group in relation to MSP data and facilitate the data exchange throughout the Baltic Sea. The group also serves as a liaison for MSP data related processes in the European Union, thus supporting the implementation of respective regulation in the Baltic Sea region.
Outputs from the group can be observed in MSP data.

Kamil Rybka
Chair of BSR MSP Data ESG
Head of Sustainable Maritime Development Unit,
Department Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation
Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland

Florent Nicolas
Associate Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat