Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Upcoming State of the Baltic Sea report to be in focus in the 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting

The First version of the HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report – June 2017 was approved by the 52nd Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation held on 20-21 June 2017 in Brussels. The 52nd Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation was hosted by the European Union in Palais d’Egmont, Brussels.The ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ report provides a scientific evaluation of the environmental status of the Baltic Sea during 2011-2015 from a holistic perspective. Pressures and impacts from human activities, as well as social and economic dimensions in the whole Baltic Sea are also assessed. The first results of the status report including the underlying data will be published on a dedicated website in a few weeks’ time. The results will be subject to a regional consultation to be carried out in 2017 by HELCOM. The report will be updated and finalized by June 2018, and the final report will include one additional year of monitoring data.The ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ is a regionally coordinated assessment and a major undertaking of all Baltic Sea countries as well as the European Union, the ten HELCOM members. The assessment will be used to analyse the progress for achieving good environmental status in relation to the goals of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.The results will provide background for negotiations in the next HELCOM Ministerial Meeting to take place on 6 March 2018 in Brussels under the European Union chairmanship of HELCOM. The HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting continued preparations for the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, which will aim at strengthening the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan until 2021, and to embark on the process of updating the Action Plan until 2030, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.The Heads of Delegation also agreed on the final steps needed to publish the HELCOM Maritime Assessment 2017. The comprehensive publication and the underlying datasets, covering maritime transportation but also other topics such as fisheries, aquaculture, and off shore wind energy, will be released early in the autumn.Another important decision by the Heads of Delegation was to approve the publication of the HELCOM core indicator of input of nutrients to the sea, the first product of the sixth HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation project (PLC-6) launched in 2013. HELCOM data on air- and waterborne inputs of nutrients cover the period from 1995 to 2014. The latest assessment revealed substantial progress towards fulfilling the target of maximum allowable input values identified by HELCOM. In the last three-year assessment (2012-2014) the average normalized input of nitrogen was reduced by 13% and phosphorus by 19% compared with the reference period (1997-2003). The input of nitrogen was below the maximum allowable input (MAI) in the Kattegat, Danish Straits and Bothnian Sea, while for phosphorus MAI was fulfilled in the Kattegat only. The indicator and assessment dataset will be published within a week on the .The Meeting was chaired by HELCOM Chair Ms Marianne Wenning, DG Environment, European Union., where all HOD 52-2017 meeting documents can be found.************Note for editorsThe State of the Baltic Sea assessment is worked on by the (2014–18), which develops common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators, creates and tests the tools for aggregated results and, finally, performs assessments at a regional scale. The development of the assessment methods is supported by other projects, including a number of EU-co-financed projects.HELCOM is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the .HELCOM Heads of Delegation, nominated by the Contracting Parties to the Helsinki Convention, which are the nine Baltic coastal states as well as the EU, usually meet twice a year. The highest decision-making body of HELCOM, Annual Meeting, convenes usually in March. Approximately every three years the Commission meets at . For more information, please contact:Lena Bergström HOLAS II Project CoordinatorHELCOMlena.bergstrom(at)helcom.fiTel: +358 40 080 3428Skype: helcom71

The First version of the HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report – June 2017 was approved by the 52nd Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation held on 20-21 June 2017 in Brussels.

HELCOM Pressure Group meeting focuses on reducing the input of nutrients into the Baltic Sea

Eutrophication is a major
threat to the Baltic Sea. High release of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and
phosphorus, to the Baltic Sea over the decades has resulted in the occasional growing
of vast mass of toxic algae causing e.g. increased turbidity, oxygen depletion
and changes in species composition. The reduction of the input of nutrients is
one of the key tasks of the HELCOM Baltic Sea action plan.The Sixth Meeting of HELCOM
Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area
(PRESSURE 6-2017) will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia 25-17 April. The
Meeting will mainly focus on the follow up of the implementation of the HELCOM nutrient input reduction
scheme which is an essential part of the Baltic Sea Action Plan. The assessment
of the progress towards the targets covers the assessment of maximum allowable
inputs, the implementation of country-wise allocated reduction targets, the identification
of major sources of nutrients and the effectiveness of applied measures. The meeting
will also address matters related to marine litter, underwater noise, hazardous
substances and physical damage to the seafloor. PRESSURE working group will
also follow up the current development of the HELCOM hot spot toxic waste
landfill Krasnyi Bor in Russia.Note for editorsHELCOM is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention.

The Working
Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area – – focuses on
nutrient and hazardous substance inputs from diffuse sources and point sources
on land, including the follow-up of the implementation of the HELCOM nutrient
reduction scheme. The group ensures the necessary technical underpinning as
well as develops solutions to the policy-relevant questions and needs. Marine
litter and underwater noise are also coordinated by this group.For more information, please contact:Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky Professional Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 630 9933 Skype: helcom68 E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)

Eutrophication is a major threat to the Baltic Sea.

HELCOM to develop regional economic and social analyses on the marine environment

HELCOM members are actively promoting the regional development of economic and social analyses (ESA) to illustrate the connection between society and the marine environment. The focus is on how the Baltic Sea contributes to human well-being and national economies. These analyses provide essential tools for assessing the economic impacts of marine water usage and the benefits of maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem.

To enhance regional cooperation on the economic and social aspects of the Baltic Sea, HELCOM has established an expert network on economic and social analyses. This network serves as a platform for discussion and information exchange regarding ongoing and planned work, examining how emerging online industries such as the best non GamStop casinos can influence local economic patterns. It also develops and agrees on regional approaches to economic and social analyses, following the HELCOM Roadmap. These analyses play a crucial role in implementing the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive for EU countries in the region.

Overall, the economic and social analyses contribute to ecosystem-based marine management, marine spatial planning, pollution mitigation, and the integration of various policies. The results of these analyses, which include insights into the economic contributions of marine activities in the Baltic Sea and the economic damages caused by environmental deterioration, will be featured in HELCOM’s ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ report, scheduled for publication in June 2017.

In addition, HELCOM and the BONUS BALTICAPP research project are organizing a workshop in Stockholm on March 29-30. This event will focus on economic and social analyses of the marine environment as a key theme. The workshop will present the latest findings on the economic benefits derived from the use of marine waters, the losses in citizens’ well-being due to environmental degradation, and marine ecosystem services, such as recreation. It will also address challenges, knowledge gaps, and solutions for providing science-based information to support marine policy implementation.

Further details on economic and social analyses can be found on HELCOM’s official website. Information about the BONUS BALTICAPP project is also available online.

Note for Editors: HELCOM is one of the Regional Sea Conventions and Action Plans working towards healthy oceans and the sustainable use of marine resources. It consists of nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union, all collaborating to protect the marine environment from pollution and to ensure safe navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has governed the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,’ commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.

The BONUS BALTICAPP project (Well-being from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics) employs advanced modeling tools and data to identify strategies for safeguarding ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea.

For more information, please contact: Heini Ahtiainen
Project Researcher, HELCOM
Tel: +358 40 621 3612
Skype: heini_ahtiainen
Email: Heini.Ahtiainen(at)

HELCOM works to reach ocean-related UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea

High-level representatives of the Baltic Sea countries and the EU will meet on 28 February 2017 on the occasion of the 38th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission to discuss how the ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals and targets can be met in the Baltic Sea by 2030, particularly in relation to eutrophication, marine litter and climate change.

The delegates will also focus on the role and tasks of HELCOM to support future implementation of SDGs, as well as discuss how HELCOM should enhance cooperation to reach effective results and which partnerships should be strengthened.

The high-level representatives are expected to adopt the Implementation Outlook of the Ocean-related SDGs in the Baltic Sea – A Roadmap to Agenda 2030, which will guide future work in HELCOM.

The high-level segment is organized in line with the priorities of EU Chairmanship of HELCOM (2016-2018).

HELCOM countries and EU have already contributed to achieving the UN goals by adopting the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and committing to a Baltic Sea in good environmental status by 2021.

Ten years since its adoption, 64 out of 106 regional actions and 11 out of 68 national level actions of the Baltic Sea Action Plan have been fully implemented so far, with successes in setting up a nutrient reduction scheme, curbing airborne emission and discharges from shipping, piloting ecosystem approach in maritime spatial planning, and covering 11.8% of the Baltic Sea with marine protected areas.

All these examples showcase the added value of a regional approach especially to reach the SDG 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”

The HELCOM high-level session is held in advance of the upcoming UN Conference “Our oceans, our future: partnering for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14” to be held on 5-9 June 2017 in New York, co-chaired and co-funded by Sweden together with Fiji. The conference is an opportunity to share experiences from the Baltic Sea region.

* * *

Note for editors

The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.


For more information, please contact:
Susanna Kaasinen
Agri-Environment Coordinator, HELCOM
Tel. +358 40 536 5819
mail: susanna.kaasinen(at)​

Baltic environment in focus of international forum held in Russia

​​​​​​The annual Intern​ational Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” will be held for the 18th time on 22-23 of March 2017 in St. Petersburg, RussiaUN targets, Nord Stream 2 and Krasnyi Bor toxic waste landfill among the topics  he roundtables of the XVIII International Environmental Forum “”, held on 22-23 March 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia, will cover global and regional challenges as well as implementation of environmental projects and programs in the light of the EU Chairmanship in HELCOM.  This year, the event is a part of the frame of the Year of Ecology in Russia and expected to attract, as usual, a high number of participants representing a wide range of experts, authorities and the general public as well as high level speakers tate of the Baltic Sea report – or, HOLAS II – and its forthcoming results mid-2017 will be one topic of the Forum roundtables.The agenda of the Forum, based on the proposals by key stakeholders, reflects the latest issues concerning the Baltic Sea environment and current regional activities assuring good environmental status of the Sea and environmental safety in the region. he agenda includes several round tables devoted e.g. to the following topics: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, other strategies etc. State of the Baltic Sea report (full title: Second Holistic Assessment of the Environmental Health of the Baltic Sea): HELCOM projects, trilateral cooperation for the Gulf of FinlandNord Stream 2Remediation of the toxic waste landfill Krasnyi BorMaritime traffic, agriculture, marine litter> The event is included in the list of activities of the Marine Board of St. Petersburg and activities of St. Petersburg City, being part of the 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia. As is the tradition, the Forum is supported by HELCOM countries and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation etailed information including a draft agenda and other practicalities will be made updated at the website of the organizers () articipation is free of charge. or additional information and suggestions please contact:Ms. Natalia BobylevaTel: +7 (812) 470-6012E-mail:  Mr. Dmitry Frank-KamenetskyProfessional Secretary, HELCOMTel: +358 40 630 9933E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)helcom.f​ * * * Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.​​​​

The annual International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” will be held for the 18th time on 22-23 of March 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

HELCOM delegates discuss the key Baltic Sea goals of 2017

​​​​​​​Greenlighting key tools and indicators for State of the Baltic Sea report a major topic in HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting this week High-level segment on ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals to take place on 28 February 2017   Delegations representing all Baltic coastal states as well as the EU this week at HELCOM headquarters to discuss and decide on the best measures for improving the Baltic marine environment. HELCOM holistic assessment 2017, a major discussion point by HELCOM delegates this week, will also rely on the upgraded tools to assess the themes of biodiversity, hazardous substances and eutrophication. Photo: Metsähallitus NHS/Niina Kurikka.The meeting participants will face major decisions required for completing HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report (), first results due in mid-2017. Draft Recommendations on sewage sludge and conservation of underwater biotopes and habitats are expecting agreement. The 2-day meeting will also discuss the final plans for the HELCOM high-level segment on ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals, taking place on 28 February 2017.The delegates, observers and other stakeholders attending the meeting in Helsinki, Finland will seek final unanimity for few main components of the State of the Baltic Sea report (HOLAS II, full name: Second Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea). The final shape of used for the assessment must now be agreed on. The holistic assessment will also rely on the upgraded tools to assess the themes of biodiversity, hazardous substances and eutrophication, improved since the previous Holistic Assessment of 2010, and two of them are expecting final blessings from the delegations this week.One of the many HELCOM outcomes from the past six months include the thoroughly revised HELCOM Response Manual Vol III to Pollution Incidents on the , which the delegates are invited to endorse. Moreover, an agreement is expected on a regional implementation plan for the IMO Water Management Convention, entering into force globally in September next year. Compilations of pollution load data () have been an integral part of HELCOM assessment system since 1987. The next edition, PLC-7, is expecting approval for being prepared by 2020 and covering the data from 1995 until 2017. HELCOM will host a high-level as a part of its Annual Meeting in the end of February 2017 and the agenda will now be discussed. The session will focus on how to achieve ocean-related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the Baltic Sea and progress in addressing the regional environmental challenges. The many aligning targets and goals of the UN and HELCOM are the underlying factor for the session. HELCOM is one of 18 Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans in the world working together under the umbrella of UNEP and instrumental in the work on SDGs.The 51st Meeting of the Heads of Delegation will be held on 14-15 December 2016 in Helsinki, Finland and chaired by HELCOM Chair Ms Marianne Wenning, DG Environment, European Union. . All documents will be public after the meeting. * * * Note for editors:An update on the overall state of ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea is underway. Improved tools as well as more comprehensive approaches will be applied in the State of the Baltic Sea report (full name: Second Holistic Assessment of Ecosystem Health in the Baltic Sea, ). This major assessment will assist the region’s environmental managers and decision-makers who are to base their work on sound, up-to-date knowledge of the status of the sea. The State of the Baltic Sea report will develop common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators; create and test the tools for aggregated results and, finally, perform assessments at a regional scale. Importantly, the assessment will also include a socio-economic analysis, about the costs of a deteriorating marine environment, as well as a selection of optimal measures for improving the status of the sea. The first results will be released in mid-2017 and updated during the following 12 months. * * * HELCOM Heads of Delegation, nominated by the to the Helsinki Convention which are the nine Baltic coastal states as well as the EU, usually meet twice a year. The highest decision-making body of HELCOM, Annual Meeting, convenes usually in March. * * * The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Johanna Laurila Information Secretary HELCOM Tel: +358 40 523 8988 Skype: helcom70 E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​

Greenlighting key tools and indicators for State of the Baltic Sea report a major issue in HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting this week.

More transparency and political leadership called for in HELCOM seminar

​​​​​Major sectors in the Baltic Sea spoke out about HELCOM pollution reduction targetsMarine environment protection was high in the agenda of the EUSBSR Strategy Forum in Stockholm this week

Major sectors in the Baltic Sea spoke out about HELCOM pollution reduction targets in this week’s seminar in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum in Stockholm.

Countries advance State of the Baltic Sea report

​​​The second HELCOM holistic assessment – State of the Baltic Sea – will be the common basis for governments for further measures to protect the seaKey components of the State report are the focal topics for a HELCOM meeting this weekA new HELCOM Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes and HELCOM monitoring guidelines are among other topics of the 5-day meeting in Tallinn, EstoniaAs a part of the sizeable endeavour by HELCOM to assess the environmental status of the entire Baltic Sea by 2017, many necessary building blocks are discussed by the HELCOM State and Conservation Working Group this week. The convenes in Tallinn, Estonia for advancing the next HELCOM holistic – State of the Baltic Sea – , finalizing the Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes, and reviewing and upgrading HELCOM monitoring guidelines, among others. Integration tools bring together the many parameters to provide sensible and reliable assessments of the state of the Baltic Sea marine environment. Photo: Metsähallitus NHS/Essi Keskinen​ Integration tools for biodiversity and hazardous substances have been developed intensively by HELCOM this year. The 2017 ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ builds on a vast amount of HELCOM quality assured data and indicator results. Tools, designed to address specific environmental issues, are needed to bring together the many parameters to provide sensible and reliable assessments of the state of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The tools integrate the results of indicators such as on distribution of marine mammals, abundance of birds, size of zooplankton, and quality of benthic organisms, to arrive at the status of biodiversity. The meeting this week will work on the final form of these tools.  For hazardous substances, the concentration of dioxins, PCBs and other contaminants and their effects are considered. The HELCOM approach to assess the pressures and impacts on the marine environment – the Baltic Sea Impact Index – has also been upgraded this year with new data and special attention given to the spatial extent of impacts.  A key issue for the meeting is to agree on a set of HELCOM core and the associated definition of Good Environmental Status. During 2016, countries leading the indicator development and expert groups have worked towards making the core indicators operational.  In addition, a draft new HELCOM Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes will be elaborated at the meeting, with the view to have it ready for approval by the main HELCOM delegates in December 2016.  Coordinated monitoring guidelines, a prerequisite for making coherent and comparable regional assessments, continues to be scrutinized by the Working Group and fully reviewed and revised HELCOM monitoring guidelines are anticipated to be ready by mid-2017. The Fifth of the Working Group on the State of the Environment and Nature Conservation, (STATE & CONSERVATION 5-2016) will be convened on 7-11 November 2016 in Tallinn, Estonia. The meeting is chaired by the co-Chairs of the group, Ms Penina Blankett, Finland, and Mr. Urmas Lips, Estonia. All documents will be public after the meeting.  * * * Note for editors is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention. HELCOM State & Conservation covers monitoring and assessment functions as well as nature conservation and biodiversity protection at HELCOM. It works across the monitoring-indicators-assessment chain to develop HELCOM thematic assessment tools and conducts the coherent holistic assessment of the ecosystem’s health. The next State of the Baltic Sea assessment – or HOLAS II – will give a comprehensive overview of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. The first results are scheduled for release in mid-2017 and finalized by mid-2018. The update on the overall state of the entire Baltic Sea is worked on by the (2014–18), which develops common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators; creates and tests the tools for aggregated results and, finally, performs assessments at a regional scale. The development of the assessment methods is supported by other projects such as and BalticBOOST.  is an EU co-financed project coordinated by HELCOM. The main objective of the project is to improve regional coherence in the implementation of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments, and knowledge base for development of measures. The project (2015–16) will develop assessment tools and set up data arrangements to support indicator-based assessments of the state of and pressures on the Baltic Sea.   * * * For more information, please contact:Ulla Li ZweifelProfessional SecretaryHELCOMTel. +358 46 850 9198Skype: helcom64E-mail: ullali.zweifel(at) Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​​​​

The second HELCOM holistic assessment – State of the Baltic Sea – will be the common basis for governments for further measures to protect the sea.

Does it pay off to protect the Baltic Sea?

​​​​Finding out the economic damages of a deteriorating state of the Baltic Sea is a key task for HELCOM experts this winter, as a part of the holistic due to release in mid-2017. The actions to prevent pollution will likely involve expenses – however the price of a polluted marine environment may be high. The HELCOM workshop this week in Tallinn, Estonia, continued​ ​​​to analyze the benefits of a healthy and thriving Baltic marine environment with a particular focus on examining the cost of degradation. Analyzing the socioeconomic impacts to the health of the Baltic Sea connects two components: the use of marine waters, expected to bring in profits, and the cost of degradation.​ Photo: Maritime Office in GdyniaThe cost of degradation is defined as the consequences to human well-being from the degradation of the marine environment.  It can be assessed based on the benefits forgone or damages resulting from not achieving good environmental status (GES). The workshop discusses the best approach for such estimation – making best use of quantitative and qualitative methods. The HELCOM holistic assessment on the state of and pressures on the Baltic Sea () will be a comprehensive compilation evaluating the overall state of ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea. The first assessment results will be released in June 2017 and the report will be finalized by mid-2018. The process to analyze the socioeconomic impacts of changes in the state of the Baltic Sea connects two components: the use of marine waters, expected to bring in profits, and the cost of degradation. Various national assessments have been performed but a shared evaluation from a regional viewpoint is still missing. The current HELCOM task is to develop a framework and pave way for such a regional analysis. The estimates for the cost of degradation are the most advanced for eutrophication, as there are national estimates in place for each nine coastal country. More indicative evaluations – for instance for biodiversity, food webs and non-indigenous species – can be used to illustrate what is at stake if the state of the Baltic Sea does not improve. In addition, economic indicators are under development which will illustrate the economic importance of the marine environment as well as sectors depending on it. A major intention is to perform the economic analyses together with the assessment of pressures from human activities. This would help explain how the economic sector or activity – including the derived benefits – depends on the state of the sea. The is held on 8-9 September 2016 and chaired by Ms Soile Oinonen, Finnish Environment Centre. It is a part of the , funded by the EU.* * *Note for editors: is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention. * * * For more information, please contact:Ulla Li ZweifelProfessional SecretaryHELCOMTel. +358 46 850 9198Skype: helcom64E-mail: ullali.zweifel(at) Johanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​

Finding out the economic damages of a deteriorating state of the Baltic Sea is a key task for HELCOM experts this winter. First results of the HELCOM cost-effectiveness analysis will be launched mid-2017.

Checking up pressures on the Baltic environment

​​​​​​Since most of our activities on land and at sea create pressures on—and changes to—the sensitive marine environment, mapping the extent and impact of these pressures is crucial for a legitimate picture of the state of the Baltic Sea. HELCOM, as a part of the forthcoming holistic assessment of the ecosystem health (), is speeding up work on assessing the impacts from human activities on the marine ecosystem, with a focus on their spatial distribution. A dedicated workshop to address this topic is held this week in Helsinki, Finland, as part of the HELCOM coordinated project, co-financed by EU. Impacts from human activities on the Baltic marine ecosystem, and the spatial distribution of the pressures, is the main focus of the workshop. Photo: Maritime Office in Gdynia The 2-day workshop will discuss the Baltic Sea Impact Index (BSII), first created for the Initial HELCOM Holistic from 2010. The Index is based on data sets that show the spatial distribution of human activities in the Baltic Sea, as well as pressures and ecosystem components. The ecosystem components include for instance the distribution of different fish, mammals and sea birds, as well as the key habitats. The Impact Index takes into account the sensitivity of the ecosystem components (using so-called sensitivity scores) of each assessed pressure. The results will show how key environmental pressures in the Baltic Sea are distributed spatially and where they coincide most strongly with sensitive parts of the ecosystem. In addition to assessments based on the Baltic Sea Impact Index being in focus of this week, the HOLAS II project will look into trends over time in the key pressures and the socioeconomic importance of human activities, as well as evaluate cumulative impacts on the seafloor using indicators.   The workshop to support the development of the Baltic Sea Pressure and Impact index is held on 6-7 September 2016 in Helsinki, Finland and chaired by Samuli Korpinen, Finnish Environment Centre.. All the documents will be public after the workshop.  * * * Note for editorsHELCOM is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention. The next HELCOM Holistic Assessment will give a comprehensive overview of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. The first results are scheduled for release in mid-2017 and finalized by mid-2018. The update on the overall state of the entire Baltic Sea is worked on by the HOLAS II project (2014–18), which develops common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators; creates and tests the tools for aggregated results and, finally, performs assessments at a regional scale. The development of the assessment methods is supported by other projects such as and .​ * * * For more information, please contact:Ulla Li ZweifelProfessional SecretaryHELCOMTel. +358 46 850 9198Skype: helcom64E-mail: ullali.zweifel(at)helcom.fiJohanna LaurilaInformation SecretaryHELCOMTel: +358 40 523 8988Skype: helcom70E-mail: johanna.laurila(at)​

HELCOM, as a part of the forthcoming holistic assessment of the ecosystem health (HOLAS II), is speeding up work on assessing the impacts from human activities on the marine ecosystem.