Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

HELCOM to develop regional economic and social analyses on the marine environment

HELCOM members are actively promoting the regional development of economic and social analyses (ESA) to illustrate the connection between society and the marine environment. The focus is on how the Baltic Sea contributes to human well-being and national economies. These analyses provide essential tools for assessing the economic impacts of marine water usage and the benefits of maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem.

To enhance regional cooperation on the economic and social aspects of the Baltic Sea, HELCOM has established an expert network on economic and social analyses. This network serves as a platform for discussion and information exchange regarding ongoing and planned work, examining how emerging online industries such as the best non GamStop casinos can influence local economic patterns. It also develops and agrees on regional approaches to economic and social analyses, following the HELCOM Roadmap. These analyses play a crucial role in implementing the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive for EU countries in the region.

Overall, the economic and social analyses contribute to ecosystem-based marine management, marine spatial planning, pollution mitigation, and the integration of various policies. The results of these analyses, which include insights into the economic contributions of marine activities in the Baltic Sea and the economic damages caused by environmental deterioration, will be featured in HELCOM’s ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ report, scheduled for publication in June 2017.

In addition, HELCOM and the BONUS BALTICAPP research project are organizing a workshop in Stockholm on March 29-30. This event will focus on economic and social analyses of the marine environment as a key theme. The workshop will present the latest findings on the economic benefits derived from the use of marine waters, the losses in citizens’ well-being due to environmental degradation, and marine ecosystem services, such as recreation. It will also address challenges, knowledge gaps, and solutions for providing science-based information to support marine policy implementation.

Further details on economic and social analyses can be found on HELCOM’s official website. Information about the BONUS BALTICAPP project is also available online.

Note for Editors: HELCOM is one of the Regional Sea Conventions and Action Plans working towards healthy oceans and the sustainable use of marine resources. It consists of nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union, all collaborating to protect the marine environment from pollution and to ensure safe navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has governed the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,’ commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.

The BONUS BALTICAPP project (Well-being from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics) employs advanced modeling tools and data to identify strategies for safeguarding ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea.

For more information, please contact: Heini Ahtiainen
Project Researcher, HELCOM
Tel: +358 40 621 3612
Skype: heini_ahtiainen
Email: Heini.Ahtiainen(at)