Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

EG RedCore

HELCOM Expert Group on Reduction Scheme Core Follow-up

The purpose of the establishment of Expert Group on Reduction Scheme Core Follow-up is to support the work of the WG Source to sea by liaising between WG Source to sea and the scientific work related to the follow-up of the HELCOM nutrient reduction scheme and pollution load compilation related activities.

It is also to provide a forum for technical discussions and elaboration of proposals as support for more policy oriented discussion at WG Source to sea meetings.



Mock Employee
Lars M. Svendsen

Chair of EG RedCore
Aarhus University

Mock Employee
Lotta Ruokanen

Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
+358 40 5050 392

Mock Employee
Susanna Kaasinen

Associate Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
+358 40 536 5819


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