Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Green Team

Sub-group on Green Technology and Alternative Fuels for Shipping

The Green technology and Alter​native Fuels Platform was established as a sub-group under the Maritime Working Group by HOD 47-2014. The Platform is lead by Finland and Sweden. The aim of the Platform is to enhance the co-operation between the public and private stakeholders in promoting development and use of green technology and alternative fuels in shipping in the Baltic Sea. Early introduction of alternative fuels and green technology in the Baltic will reduce emissions from shipping.

The establishment of the platform stems from a commitment agreed at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting 3 October 2013 to work towards the creation of a joint “Green Technology and Alternative Fuels Platform for Shipping” together with other regional actors in the Baltic Sea.

The first steps of the Platform were taken at the kick-off event in January 2014 organized jointly by HELCOM and the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). There, the Roadmap for Green Technology and Alternative Fuels for Shipping was established by, among others, HELCOM, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Baltic Development Forum (BDF) and NDPTL with the aim to:

• “Network of Platform Actors” to be created using existing networks and project organizations under the leadership of HELCOM and the Zero Vision Tool (ZVT) and a List of National Focal points (amongst the administrations and the industry stakeholders) to be compiled;
• Develop a joint information sharing portal based on experience and use of existing portals with the assistance of the Baltic Development Forum and the ZVT.

To take the road-map further HELCOM MARITIME 14-2014 established a new sub-group (later named Green Team, HELCOM Sub-group of Green Technology and Alternative Fuels for Shipping) under the Maritime Working Group to promote public and private co-operation at national and Baltic Sea levels to enhance development and uptake of green technology and alternative fuels in shipping.



Mock Employee
Katarina Viik

Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
+358 44 494 6727

Mock Employee
Anita Mäkinen

Co-Chair of Green Team
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency

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