Research Vessels and Research Permits
Research vessels
Research vessels used in HELCOM monitoring programmes are listed under this page based on data collected within BALSAM project WP5 activities (co- financed by the European Union DG Environment).

The table below displays common information of research vessels, including a national web page containing vessel information and a link to ship’s current position using MarineTraffic service. Reports of past cruises are available as links in “Completed cruises” column. Column “SeaDataNet CSRs” contains a link to vessel’s SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Reports (if available). By clicking the Name of the vessel, a full list of attribute information is displayed. A system for collecting information on planned cruises from ship operators web site FTP box was developed in the project by Tallinn University.
- Want to see where the research vessels currently are? See the research vessels live map
Research vessels table
Name | Call sign | Country | Completed Cruises | SeaDataNet CSRs |
Alkor | DBND | Germany | Cruise reports | View CSRs |
Aranda | OIRY | Finland | Cruise reports | View CSRs |
Aurora | OUYF | Denmark | View CSRs | |
Baltica | SNGH | Poland | Cruise reports | View CSRs |
Dana | OXBH | Denmark | View CSRs | |
Darius | LYII | Lithuania | View CSRs | |
Elisabeth Mann-Borgese | DBKR | Germany | Cruise reports | View CSRs |
Geomari | OJ2527 | Finland | View CSRs | |
Haithabu | DK7933 | Germany | View CSRs | |
Mare | YL2846 | Latvia | View CSRs | |
Mintis | LYAP | Lithuania | View CSRs | |
Oceanograf | SPG2054 | Poland | View CSRs | |
Salme | ES2408 | Estonia | View CSRs | |
Skagerak | SGCD | Sweden | Cruise reports | View CSRs |
Strelasund | DBVE | Germany | View CSRs | |
Véjúnas | LYTN | Lithuania | Cruise reports | View CSRs |
Research permits
Information on applying for marine research permits from Contracting Parties is listed below.
Information on applying for permits is available at under ”Havforskning – tilladelser” (in Danish).
Applicants must fill in the following form and send it to
According to the Water Act (§s 244-249), the competent authority for issuing the marine research permits in the Estonian marine area is the Ministry of Climate. Applications for permits should be sent to:
More detailed information and application forms are available:
Requirements for research activities by foreign vessels in German marine waters involving:
- Stationary or autonomous objects (e.g. buoys) and seabed related activities in the EEZ: Permit requirement
- Competent authority: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
- Approval regime: Foreign public institutions apply via their national embassy to the German Federal Foreign Office. Applications will be handed down via the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport to the BSH. Allow sufficient time for this process. Foreign private applicants can address their application directly to BSH. All applications must be received by BSH at least 8-12 weeks before the start of the cruise.
- For details and application forms see (forms in German only):
- Stationary objects (e.g. buoys)
- Seabed related activities
- Autonomous devices (e.g. drifters)
The possibility of obtaining a permit depends largely on the type and capabilities of the autonomous vehicle. Please contact the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) and apply as early as possible.
- Surveys relating to the water column in all marine waters under German jurisdiction: Registration requirement
- Competent authorities: Vessel Traffic Service Centres and Shipping and Waterway Authorities.
- In special cases, the competent Shipping and Waterway Authority grants specific permits.
Procedures for applying for and obtaining research permits are regulated by Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulation (21.02.2012) No 126 ”Procedures for the Issuance of a Special Permit for Performance of Scientific Research Activities in the Territorial Sea, the Continental Shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Latvia for a Ship of Scientific Research of a Foreign State”
Conducting scientific research (research) within the Polish maritime areas is specified in the provisions of the Act of March 21, 1991 on the maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and maritime administration (Journal of Laws 2023, item 960, Articles 28 – 32a) – in Polish: ustawa z dnia 21 marca 1991 r.
o obszarach morskich Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i administracji morskiej.
Additional provisions regulate scientific research, where research:
- includes fishing – applies provisions of the sea fishing regulations;
- is archeological research – applies the provision of the Act of 23 July 2003 on the Protection and Care of Historical Monuments (Journal of Laws 2022, item 840);
- is related to chemical weapons, toxic chemicals and their precursors – applies the provisions of the Act of 22 June 2001 on the implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (CWC Convention).
Foreign states, legal entities and natural persons and respective international organizations, may conduct research within the Polish maritime areas (both Polish internal and territorial waters and Polish exclusive economic zone) after obtaining a permit issued by:
- the minister responsible for maritime economy ;
- (in case of research concerns living marine resources) – by the minister responsible for fisheries.
The application for a permit should be presented to the Polish side (Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Legal and Treaty Department: no later than 3 months prior to the expected date of starting the research, through the diplomatic mission of the applicant’s country, located on the territory of the Republic of Poland. The application should be submitted in Polish.