Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

EG Surveillance

HELCOM Expert Group on Aerial Surveillance

Photo: Laura Meski/HELCOM

The HELCOM Expert Group  on Aerial Surveillance (EG Surveillance) works to implement the aerial surveillance cooperation as laid down in Chapter 6, of the HELCOM Response Manual. HELCOM Contracting Parties have agreed to develop and apply individually or in co-operation, surveillance activities covering the Baltic Sea area in order to spot and monitor oil and other substances released into the sea. 

EG Surveillance has incorporated all functions of the former HELCOM Informal Working Group on Aerial Surveillance (IWGAS).



Mock Employee
Dirk Reichenbach

Chair of EG Surveillance
Central Command for Maritime Emergencies (CCME)

Mock Employee
Katarina Viik

Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
+358 44 494 6727

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