WG BioDiv
HELCOM Working Group on Biodiversity, Protection and Restoration
HELCOM Working Group on Biodiversity, Protection and Restoration (WG BioDiv) covers monitoring and assessment functions as well as issues related to nature conservation and biodiversity protection in HELCOM.
A major aim of the WG BioDiv is to work across the monitoring-indicators-assessment chain in order to provide a stronger basis for coordinated development of the HELCOM thematic assessment tools and a coherent holistic assessment of the ecosystems health, including Baltic Sea Pressure Index and Impact Index.
After close inspection, the WG BioDiv group integrates – on technical and scientific level – the outcomes of various expert groups and projects covering most of all eutrophication, hazardous substances and biodiversity, but also linking the relevant results produced by other subsidiary bodies (e.g. pressures from shipping) into a one coherent system.
The group deploys a specific arrangement for its work, including meetings, in order to cater for the needs to efficiently cover the two themes: monitoring and assessment theme as well as nature.
Action areas

Lasse Kurvinen
Vice-Chair of WG BioDiv
Metsähallitus (Parks & Wildlife Finland)

Lena Avellan
Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat