Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Workshop on nutrient bookkeeping

28-29 April 2015, Oldenburg, Germany
The HELCOM Workshop on status of nutrient bookkeeping in the Baltic Sea countries was organized by the Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony and the Federal Environmental Agency in Germany on 28-29 April 2015 in Oldenburg, Germany.

The aim of the workshop was to identify the status of the nutrient bookkeeping and balance calculations in the Baltic Sea countries and to exchange experiences and ideas for the benefit of the work in the countries, including potential development of policy and other possible instruments on nutrient bookkeeping.

Participants of the workshop. Photo: Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony


Efficient nutrient management as a measure to reduce the input to the Baltic Sea Mr. Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky, HELCOM Secretariat
General overview on the purpose and advantages of nutrient bookkeeping for modern farming and environment protection Mr. Bernhard Osterburg, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Germany
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Denmark Mr. Rune Ventzel Hansen and Mr. Anders Nemming, The Danish AgriFish Agency, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fishery of Denm
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Estonia Ms. Livi Rooma, Estonian Agricultural Research Centre
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Finland Ms. Aino Launto-Tiuttu, Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK)
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Germany Mr. Maximilian Hofmeier, Julius Kühn-Institute
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Latvia Mr. Aldis Karklins, University of Agriculture of Latvia
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Lithuania Ms. Dijana Ruzgiene, Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Poland Ms. Karina Makarewicz, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ms. Tamara Jadczyszyn, Instiutute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation Mr. Łukasz Wojcieszak, Department of Water Quality; Institute of Technology and Live Sciences in Falenty
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Russia​ Mr. Vladislav Minin, NW Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification
Nutrient bookkeeping on farms in Sweden Mr. Rune Hallgren, Federation of Swedish Farmers