Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

HELCOM and BONUS tighten collaboration for the good of environmental protection action in the Baltic Sea

 HELCOM Heads of Delegation note the contribution of BONUS projects to policy-making, including the upcoming HELCOM Ministerial Meeting 15 December 2017, Helsinki, FinlandThe 53rd Meeting of the Head of Delegations (HOD) of HELCOM, which concluded earlier this week in Helsinki, has taken note of recent policy-related results from a number of BONUS projects related to topics of biodiversity protection and marine protected areas, nutrients, social and economic analysis, and climate change. These policy messages stem from discussions at a HELCOM-BONUS workshop held on 6 November 2017 ( available on the ).Besides welcoming the HELCOM-BONUS workshop, the representatives of the Baltic Sea countries and EU also acknowledged the crucial contribution of the BONUS research programme to the recent work of HELCOM and to solid scientific basis for policy measures. As to the future, the meeting highlighted a need for research support regarding cumulative impact of multiple stressors on species and habitats and on the entire ecosystem of the Baltic Sea.One of the overarching conclusions of the joint workshop based on the results of various BONUS projects was the profound effect of climate change on all parts of the Baltic ecosystem, in particular on the distribution of species and genetic diversity in the Baltic Sea. Hence, the workshop considered it to be of key importance to include climate change as an integrated aspect of measures for biodiversity as well as for nutrient reduction, and in this way ensure that measures are in place to mitigate impacts from climate change.Further results of the BONUS projects will be presented at the next BONUS Symposium “Sustainable ecosystem governance under changing climate and land use in the Baltic Sea region”, planned to take place 14–16 March 2018 in Gdansk, Poland. Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary of HELCOM, sees the new BONUS results as very timely to underpin the strengthening of the implementation of the HELCOM agreements. “The upcoming HELCOM Ministerial Meeting will consider the needed steps to accomplish the Baltic Sea Action Plan by 2021 as well as will decide on a future update of the Action Plan. The new scientific results from BONUS support the ongoing negotiations leading up to these major policy decisions at the Ministerial Meeting”, said Stankiewicz. “We are most pleased with the continued strengthening of the synergies between BONUS and HELCOM. We also look forward to jointly organising a HELCOM-BONUS stakeholder conference later in 2018, which the now concluded HOD meeting also welcomed. This will be important to further disseminate BONUS results as well as build synergies across the region, Europe and wider”, concluded Kaisa Kononen, Executive Director, BONUS.    * * *Note for editors The 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting will be held on 6 March in Brussels, Belgium, under the EU chairmanship of HELCOM. The Ministers of the Environment of the nine Baltic coastal states and the EU Environment Commissioner will gather to discuss the status and the future of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The outcome of the 2018 Ministerial Meeting is expected to revolve around new actions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea, strengthening implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan by 2021, and adjusting the Baltic Sea Action Plan based on new knowledge and future challenges. More information on the .The , usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. HELCOM has worked since 1974 to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. HELCOM is the governing body of the “Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,” more usually known as the Helsinki a joint Baltic Sea research and development programme producing knowledge to support development and implementation of regulations, policies and management practices specifically tailored for the Baltic Sea region. It issues calls for competitive proposals and funds projects of high excellence and relevance based on its BONUS strategic research agenda 2011-2020. Half of the funding of the EUR 100 million to BONUS is covered by the national research funding agencies in the eight EU member states around the Baltic Sea and the other half by the EU.  * * *BONUS projectsThe following BONUS projects were presented at the HELCOM-BONUS workshop on 6 November 2017:BONUS BALTICAPP – Wellbeing from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics (1 April 2015-31 March 2018) BONUS BAMBI – Baltic Sea marine biodiversity – addressing the potential of adaptation to climate change (1 January 2014-31 December 2017) BONUS BIO-C3 – Biodiversity changes – causes, consequences and management implications (1 January 2014-31 December 2017) BONUS COCOA – Nutrient cocktails in coastal zones of the Baltic Sea – improving understanding of the transformation and retention of nutrients and organic matter in the coastal zone (1 January 2014-31 March 2017) BONUS GO4BALTIC – Coherent policies and governance of the Baltic Sea ecosystems (1 April 2015-31 December 2018) BONUS MIRACLE – Mediating integrated actions for sustainable ecosystem services in a changing climate (1 April 2015-31 July 2018) BONUS PROMISE – Phosphorus recycling of mixed substances, (1 April 2014 – 31 March 2017) BONUS SOILS2SEA – Reducing nutrient loadings from agricultural soils to the Baltic Sea via groundwater and streams, (1 January 2014-31 March 2018) * * *For further information, please contact:Ms. Maija SirolaCommunications Manager, BONUSTel. +358 40 352 0076E-mail: Website: Facebook and Twitter: @BONUSBalticMs. Sara EstlanderCommunication Coordinator, HELCOMTel. +358 40 482 6103E-mail: Website: Facebook and Twitter: @HELCOMinfo​

HELCOM Heads of Delegation note the contribution of BONUS projects to policy-making, including the upcoming HELCOM Ministerial Meeting

Major Baltic Sea policies reviewed ahead of HELCOM Ministerial Meeting

Regional ministers will discuss the state and future of the Baltic Sea marine environment in MarchHeads of Delegation of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission meet this week to prepare ministerial outcomeHow will the Baltic Sea region respond to the call to action for the marine environment, set by the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development? What efforts should be prioritized in order to achieve the aim of the – a healthy Baltic Sea by 2021? How should the Action Plan be adjusted based on the newest scientific knowledge and the challenges ahead? These are among the questions on the table at the 53rd HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting today and tomorrow. The questions form the basis of the negotiations ahead of the in Brussels on 6 March, bringing together the responsible ministers from the Baltic Sea countries and the EU Commissioner for Environment. The Heads of Delegation meeting this week will focus in particular on the Declaration to be adopted at the Ministerial Meeting, which will frame the work for the Baltic Sea marine environment in the years to come.Targets: Baltic Sea Action Plan and Sustainable Development GoalsAmong the central background information for the discussions is a report following up on the actions agreed upon in the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) in 2007 and linking them to the current state of the Baltic Sea. According to the latest assessments, much has been accomplished, and there are some encouraging signals in the ecosystem, but the efforts so far have not led to the recovery of the Baltic Sea. The Heads of Delegation will discuss how to achieve stronger follow-through on the BSAP in order to reach the common goals.The Heads of Delegation will also consider how to adjust the BSAP in the light of new information. As science advances, policy-makers are better equipped than before to focus on those issues that cause the greatest harm and are the most widely distributed. There is also more and more knowledge about climate change and other issues that are developing or will emerge in the future. The adjusted plan for action will take into account the changing situation and highlight the most important measures to take. The questions about the BSAP are also central to the global context of the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015. Governments have the primary responsibility for taking action to achieve the goals, while Regional Sea Conventions like HELCOM are well suited for considering new actions across borders in pursuit of those SDGs that relate to marine and water issues. The Baltic Sea countries have agreed to use HELCOM as the regional arena for coordinating work on ocean-related SDGs. In order to reach SDG 14 – “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources” – the Baltic Sea region needs both to accelerate work towards the goals of the Baltic Sea Action Plan and to adapt the plan based on the newest and best available science. HELCOM will use the Sustainable Development Goals as guidance when setting new priorities and targets. Preparing for the Ministerial MeetingThe outcome of the discussions between the Heads of Delegation will be an important stepping stone towards reaching Ministerial agreement. The meeting this week aims to put everything in place for the Ministerial negotiations in March.Preparations for the Ministerial Meeting have been ongoing since the meeting of high-level representatives of the Baltic Sea states and the EU in February 2017. However, the background efforts and the scientific data that underpin the discussions stretch back over several years and includes a multitude of projects. Among these are the large-scale , which will be finalized by mid-2018.  “The background work for the Ministerial Meeting draws together all the different roles and processes of HELCOM: it is a hub that provides information about the Baltic Sea environment, that produces recommendations and policies based on this information in order to improve the state of the ecosystem, and that supervises that agreements are upheld. HELCOM is the bridge between science and policy in the Baltic Sea, and the Ministerial Meeting is the highest point on that bridge,” says Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary at the HELCOM Secretariat.All the meeting documents will be available in the HELCOM Meeting portal after the meeting, no login required:  * * *Note for editors:The 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting will be held on 6 March in Brussels, Belgium, under the EU chairmanship of HELCOM. The Ministers of the Environment of the nine Baltic coastal states and the EU Environment Commissioner will gather to discuss the status and the future of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The outcome of the 2018 Ministerial Meeting is expected to revolve around new actions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea, strengthening implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan by 2021, and adjusting the Baltic Sea Action Plan based on new knowledge and future challenges. More information on the .The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. HELCOM has worked since 1974 to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. HELCOM is the governing body of the “Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area,” more usually known as the Helsinki Convention.* * *For further information, please contact:Monika Stankiewicz Executive Secretary HELCOM monika.stankiewicz(at)helcom.fiSara Estlander Communication Coordinator HELCOM +358 40 482 6103 sara.estlander(at)

Regional ministers will discuss the state and future of the Baltic Sea marine environment in March – Heads of Delegation of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission meet this week to prepare ministerial outcome

HELCOM highlights cooperation with BONUS ahead of 2017 call

​Many of the topics under the recently opened BONUS call ‘Synthesis’ relate directly to ongoing HELCOM workFuture BONUS projects can both benefit from and contribute to existing knowledge The BONUS programme has previously underpinned good progress in HELCOM work. The HELCOM Contracting Parties – the Baltic Sea countries and EU – have recently underlined the importance of continuing the cooperation between HELCOM and BONUS in the future. Cooperation and information exchange between the Secretariats, the individual BONUS project scientists, and experts involved in HELCOM groups and projects is perceived as very important.The recently opened ” is of high relevance to HELCOM work and a number of regional priorities. Work on many of the call topics is currently under way within HELCOM. While much has been accomplished, future projects could contribute significantly where gaps exist or new perspectives would be pertinent. HELCOM plans continued exchange with future BONUS projects to be approved under the call. Below are examples of the most recent regional work carried out by the Contracting Parties on the topics covered by the call. Sustainable marine and freshwater aquaculture development perspectives in the Baltic Sea regionAccording to the Helsinki Convention, pollution from fish-farming shall be prevented and eliminated by promoting and implementing Best Environmental Practice (BEP) and Best Available Technology (BAT) (Annex III “Criteria and measures concerning prevention of pollution from land-based sources”). Furthermore, the was adopted in March 2016. The Recommendation foresees the Contracting Parties to, among other things, by 2018 jointly develop BAT and BEP descriptions for sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region. BAT and BEP are to be applied e.g. based on Annex II of the Helsinki Convention “Criteria for the use of Best Environmental Practice and Best Available Technology”. The Recommendation covers both marine and freshwater aquaculture. A correspondence group to follow up the Recommendation has been established (under the HELCOM Group on ecosystem-based sustainable fisheries), and its specifies how the work is to be carried out. No BAT/BEP descriptions have been developed by HELCOM yet.  A synthesis of knowledge on the Baltic Sea food webs including an outlook for priority future studiesThe Baltic Sea food webs are the subject of much research overall and the focus of several HELCOM indicators. Within the HELCOM framework, extensive work has been carried out related to and . A number of HELCOM projects have also been carried out with the purpose of developing aspects related to biota and biodiversity and enhancing the work of HELCOM. These projects have, for instance, addressed specific food web components such as or , or contributed to the development of or utilized in the .The , tools that underpin major aspects of the HELCOM work, have been developed to assess the status of the marine environment, and form the basis for the integrated holistic approach used in the State of the Baltic Sea report. Many of these indicators address biological components and factors that have the potential to directly or indirectly impact biota and the Baltic Sea food webs. These indicators are themselves based on analyses of compiled data, agreed threshold levels, and a robust survey of the latest scientific literature. , and , rely on accredited monitoring data and scientifically validated methodologies, and new indicators or new approaches to assessment of the Baltic Sea food webs, ecosystem, and ecosystem pressures are regularly proposed through .Towards improved environmental status assessment and monitoring systems for the Baltic SeaCoordinated monitoring of physical, chemical, and biological variables of the Baltic open sea has been carried out since 1979.HELCOM work on monitoring and assessment is based on the , the latest version of which was adopted by the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in 2013. The Strategy is a common plan to monitor and assess the health of the Baltic Sea in a coordinated and cost-efficient way between all HELCOM Contracting Parties. It forms the basis for high quality and uniform data collection across the Baltic Sea region. The resulting data feeds into the HELCOM indicators and thus into the assessment of the status of the Baltic Sea.Those general principles of the Strategy that relate to coordinated monitoring have been translated into concrete specifications and requirements through the . The Manual progressively takes up new monitoring guidelines and is updated or amended based on methodological developments and advances or development of more appropriate data reporting and handling options The current monitoring network and information on sampling can be found in the .Policy instruments and institutions for nutrient abatementThe is a regional approach to sharing the burden of nutrient reductions to achieve the goal of a Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication agreed by the Baltic Sea countries.The Scheme has been introduced and agreed first in 2007, in the HELCOM . At that time, the countries agreed on provisional nutrient reduction targets and decided that the figures will be revised using a harmonised approach, the newest data, and enhanced modelling. The revision process started in 2008 and was completed in 2013.There are two main components of the nutrient reduction scheme:Maximum Allowable Inputs (MAI) of nutrients, indicating the maximal level of inputs of waterborne and airborne nitrogen and phosphorus to Baltic Sea sub-basins that can be allowed in order to fulfill the targets for non-eutrophied areas. This component has been developed according to the ecosystem approach including use of the best available science, overall agreed as the main principle of HELCOM work. Country-Allocated Reduction Targets (CART), indicating how much nutrient inputs the HELCOM countries need to reduce comparing to a reference period (1997–2003). This component has been designed under the guidance and according to the decisions of the Contracting Parties, taking into account fundamental principles of the Helsinki Convention (such as the “polluter pays” principle). The reduction targets are to be met by implementing common regional requirements, such as for wastewater treatment plans, and by any additional measures or instruments countries see as feasible and appropriate. The HELCOM provides the technical basis to the work on inputs of nutrients and hazardous substances from both diffuse and point sources on land, including follow-up of the implementation of the Nutrient Reduction Scheme. The assessments of and are published on the HELCOM website (updates assessments planned to be finished in 2017). High frequency automated in situ observations in the Baltic SeaHigh quality and accredited data underpin much of the work carried out by HELCOM, be it the development of scientific or policy documents. The HELCOM indicators in particular, and the associated integrated assessment for biodiversity, hazardous substances and eutrophication, rely on this data pool for their function. Not only is spatial and temporal data coverage a major issue for such initiatives but also the quality and abundance of such data; an assessment of which is reflected by a confidence assigned to the indicators or integrated assessments. There are, for example, processes currently underway within HELCOM expert networks to utilize ferrybox data with HELCOM indicator assessments, as the spatial, temporal, and sheer mass of data have major potential to significantly increase both indicator reliability and confidence. As with many automated monitoring systems, the volume of data produced is several orders of magnitude greater than that produced by classical monitoring and assessment tools. While this offers huge potential for fine scale observations and conclusions to be made, it also requires the development of suitable data collation and utilization tools that offer support to management institutions. Suitable integration solutions and the scope for utilizing such high frequency data within HELCOM work is perceived as very important. The HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Strategy acknowledges that remote sensing and autonomous measuring devices already in use in environmental monitoring and operational oceanography, such as ferry-boxes, buoys, passive samplers, fixed platforms, and coastal radars, are efficient means to increase spatial and temporal coverage of observations. Development of a unified access point for science-based virtual decision support tools for ecosystem-based management in the Baltic Sea and its drainageHELCOM has developed and is using a number of decision support tools. Here are a few examples: Non-monetary values of the Baltic Sea ecosystem goods and services provided to human lifestyles and well-beingIn March 2017, HELCOM established an (ESA) with the aim to enhance regional cooperation on the economic and social aspects of the Baltic Sea marine environment. The expert network serves as a platform for discussion and information exchange on the ongoing and planned work, and develops and agrees on regional approaches for the economic and social analyses, according to a (agreed on in December 2016). The analyses are needed for the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, as well as for other requirements Contracting Parties have to fulfill, such as Marine Strategy Framework Directive for the EU countries in the region. Overall, the analyses will contribute to ecosystem-based marine management, marine spatial planning, pollution mitigation, and integration and implementation of various policies.Results on the economic contribution from marine activities in the Baltic Sea and on the economic damages to citizens from the deterioration of the marine environment have been included in the first version of the , released in June 2017. These results show the economic and social impact of selected marine sectors and activities in the Baltic Sea region (fishing, aquaculture, tourism and recreation, production of renewable energy and transport), and illustrate the economic consequences of not achieving good environmental status for selected degradation themes and ecosystem services, including eutrophication, recreation, and biodiversity-related aspects. Additional information on the economic and social analyses can be found in this .Improved maritime risk analysis and mitigationThe work in the field of pollution prevention and safety of navigation as well as response to incidents at sea has been carried out within HELCOM already for many decades. The work is carried out by the HELCOM and groups.A two-year HELCOM-led project “Open-Source tools for regional risk assessments for improved European preparedness and response at sea” () started in January 2017. The project will take the first steps on developing a joint and fully open method toolbox for risk assessments of spills resulting from maritime accidents.Cumulative effects of human activities: linear and non-linear interactions and knowledge gapsThe requires that HELCOM assessments assess the effects of anthropogenic pressures and their effects on the marine environment including cumulative and synergetic effects.The first version of the HELCOM ” assessment was released for consideration in July 2017. It provides a scientific evaluation of the environmental status of the Baltic Sea during 2011–2015, and assesses pressures and impacts from human activities, as well as social and economic dimensions, in the entire Baltic Sea. The second version of the assessment will be updated with 2016 data and will be published by mid-2018.The indicator-based assessments of pressures show their status when assessed individually, without comparing their total impact or their level of spatial overlap with sensitive habitats. The Baltic Sea Impact Index (BSII) is an assessment component that additionally describes the potential cumulative burden on the environment in different parts of the Baltic Sea, with the use of more detailed spatial information than can be provided by the core indicators. The analysis of potential cumulative impacts on benthic habitats suggests that benthic habitats are potentially impacted by loss and disturbance in all sub-basins of the Baltic Sea, but the highest estimates were found for coastal areas and in the southern Baltic Sea. The human activities behind the cumulative impacts on benthic habitats, according to this assessment, are bottom trawling, shipping, sediment dispersal caused by various construction and dredging activities, and disposal of the dredged sediment.Supplementary information on the assessment of cumulative impacts using the Baltic Sea Pressure Index (BSPI) and BSII can be found . * * *BackgroundThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.BONUS is one of the official observers to HELCOM and participates actively in HELCOM work. HELCOM has been involved in defining future research needs for the BONUS programme in the context of environmental policy and sustainable use of marine resources. * * *For more information, please contact:Ms. Laura MeskiAssistant Professional SecretaryHELCOM+358 40 162 2053Skype: helcom82E-mail: laura.meski(at) 

Many of the topics under the recently opened BONUS call ‘Synthesis’ relate directly to ongoing HELCOM work. Future BONUS projects can both benefit from and contribute to existing knowledge.

Dates set for 2018 edition of Baltic Sea Day

The XIX “Baltic Sea Day” International Environmental Forum will be organized in St. Petersburg on 22–23 March, 2018The outcome of the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, taking place a few weeks earlier, will form a cornerstone of discussions at the ForumGlobal and regional environmental matters will be in focus during the XIX International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day”, to be held on 22–23 March 2018 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The agenda of the Forum, based on proposals to be developed by key stakeholders, will reflect the latest issues concerning the Baltic Sea environment and current regional activities, including involvement of municipalities, assuring good environmental status of the Sea and environmental safety in the region. Discussion themes of plenaries and roundtables will include the outcome of the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, to be held in Brussels two weeks earlier, on 6 March. The upcoming 19th Baltic Sea Day Forum will be devoted to the memory of Mr. Leonid Korovin, who passed away in 2017.HELCOM Executive Secretary Monika Stankiewicz speaking at Baltic Sea Day 2017.Baltic Sea Day is an esteemed platform for environmental dialogue and a popular live meeting point for representatives of national, regional as well as global organizations working in different sectors. The Forum is the largest event of its kind in the Baltic Sea region, gathering more than 600 participants and broadly reflected in Russian national and international media. The next Forum is organized and supported by HELCOM, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and the Government of St. Petersburg.* * *For additional information and suggestions please contact:Ms. Natalia Bobyleva Tel: +7 (812) 470-6012 E-mail: bobyleva(at)helcom.ruMr. Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky Professional Secretary, HELCOM Tel: +358 40 630 9933 E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)* * *Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.

The XIX “Baltic Sea Day” International Environmental Forum will be organized in St. Petersburg on 22–23 March, 2018. The outcome of the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, taking place a few weeks earlier, will form a cornerstone of discussions at the Forum.

Upcoming State of the Baltic Sea report to be in focus in the 2018 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting

The First version of the HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report – June 2017 was approved by the 52nd Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation held on 20-21 June 2017 in Brussels. The 52nd Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation was hosted by the European Union in Palais d’Egmont, Brussels.The ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ report provides a scientific evaluation of the environmental status of the Baltic Sea during 2011-2015 from a holistic perspective. Pressures and impacts from human activities, as well as social and economic dimensions in the whole Baltic Sea are also assessed. The first results of the status report including the underlying data will be published on a dedicated website in a few weeks’ time. The results will be subject to a regional consultation to be carried out in 2017 by HELCOM. The report will be updated and finalized by June 2018, and the final report will include one additional year of monitoring data.The ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ is a regionally coordinated assessment and a major undertaking of all Baltic Sea countries as well as the European Union, the ten HELCOM members. The assessment will be used to analyse the progress for achieving good environmental status in relation to the goals of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.The results will provide background for negotiations in the next HELCOM Ministerial Meeting to take place on 6 March 2018 in Brussels under the European Union chairmanship of HELCOM. The HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting continued preparations for the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, which will aim at strengthening the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan until 2021, and to embark on the process of updating the Action Plan until 2030, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.The Heads of Delegation also agreed on the final steps needed to publish the HELCOM Maritime Assessment 2017. The comprehensive publication and the underlying datasets, covering maritime transportation but also other topics such as fisheries, aquaculture, and off shore wind energy, will be released early in the autumn.Another important decision by the Heads of Delegation was to approve the publication of the HELCOM core indicator of input of nutrients to the sea, the first product of the sixth HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation project (PLC-6) launched in 2013. HELCOM data on air- and waterborne inputs of nutrients cover the period from 1995 to 2014. The latest assessment revealed substantial progress towards fulfilling the target of maximum allowable input values identified by HELCOM. In the last three-year assessment (2012-2014) the average normalized input of nitrogen was reduced by 13% and phosphorus by 19% compared with the reference period (1997-2003). The input of nitrogen was below the maximum allowable input (MAI) in the Kattegat, Danish Straits and Bothnian Sea, while for phosphorus MAI was fulfilled in the Kattegat only. The indicator and assessment dataset will be published within a week on the .The Meeting was chaired by HELCOM Chair Ms Marianne Wenning, DG Environment, European Union., where all HOD 52-2017 meeting documents can be found.************Note for editorsThe State of the Baltic Sea assessment is worked on by the (2014–18), which develops common concepts and methods for the status assessment based on core indicators, creates and tests the tools for aggregated results and, finally, performs assessments at a regional scale. The development of the assessment methods is supported by other projects, including a number of EU-co-financed projects.HELCOM is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the .HELCOM Heads of Delegation, nominated by the Contracting Parties to the Helsinki Convention, which are the nine Baltic coastal states as well as the EU, usually meet twice a year. The highest decision-making body of HELCOM, Annual Meeting, convenes usually in March. Approximately every three years the Commission meets at . For more information, please contact:Lena Bergström HOLAS II Project CoordinatorHELCOMlena.bergstrom(at)helcom.fiTel: +358 40 080 3428Skype: helcom71

The First version of the HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report – June 2017 was approved by the 52nd Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation held on 20-21 June 2017 in Brussels.

UN targets and regional cooperation discussed in the Baltic Sea Day in Russia

​Regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea towards reaching the UN sustainable development goals was the key theme in the annual international environmental forum, the Baltic Sea Day, held 22-23 March 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The forum gathered about 650 participants from all countries around the Baltic Sea as well as from the Belarus, Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway. The Forum was of specific significance as 2017 has been declared The Year of the Environment in Russia. The coordination of global, regional and local environmental strategies between representatives of HELCOM, the European Union, national governmental authorities and municipalities was a key point of the discussion. Participants also discussed the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and other HELCOM agreements in the light of the upcoming HELCOM Ministerial meeting scheduled in 2018 under the EU Chairmanship in HELCOM.The participants also discussed means to strengthen cooperation between countries and engagement of municipalities to solve environmental challenges in the region. Russian and international experts considered environmental aspects of the realization of large infrastructural projects and cost efficient solutions for reclamation of the HELCOM hot spots such as Krasnyi Bor toxic waste landfill near St.Petersburg. The global problem of littering marine environment was one of the top themes for the discussion. Participants overviewed the results of the implementation of the HELCOM Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter and outlined practical steps forward including specific actions also the Russian partners could undertake to address, specifically, land based sources of litter.The impact of human activities on the sea floor integrity, such as dredging or depositing operation, exploitation of mineral resources and coastal protection, was also a hot topic for the discussion. Experts pointed out the importance of collecting reliable and comprehensive data on these activities, their impact on the marine ecosystem and the potential of the ecosystem to subsequently recover from them.The issues related to prevention of marine environment pollution from land based sources such as management of river basins and the reduction of environmental pressure from agriculture were also discussed. The Baltic Sea Day, organised for the 18th time this year, is an esteemed platform for environmental dialogue and a live meeting point for national, regional as well as global participants representing a wide range of sectors.  It was organised by the city of St.Petersburg and State Company Mineral. * * * Note for editorsWorking to safeguard the marine environment from pollution and ensure safe navigation in the Baltic Sea, acts as the governing body of the 1974 Helsinki Convention. HELCOM’s official name is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission. * * * For more information, please contact:Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky>Professional Secretary>HELCOM>Tel: +358 40 630 9933>Skype: helcom68>E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)

Regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea towards reaching the UN sustainable development goals was the key theme in the annual international environmental forum, the Baltic Sea Day, held 22-23 March 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

HELCOM works to reach ocean-related UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea

High-level representatives of the Baltic Sea countries and the EU will meet on 28 February 2017 on the occasion of the 38th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission to discuss how the ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals and targets can be met in the Baltic Sea by 2030, particularly in relation to eutrophication, marine litter and climate change.

The delegates will also focus on the role and tasks of HELCOM to support future implementation of SDGs, as well as discuss how HELCOM should enhance cooperation to reach effective results and which partnerships should be strengthened.

The high-level representatives are expected to adopt the Implementation Outlook of the Ocean-related SDGs in the Baltic Sea – A Roadmap to Agenda 2030, which will guide future work in HELCOM.

The high-level segment is organized in line with the priorities of EU Chairmanship of HELCOM (2016-2018).

HELCOM countries and EU have already contributed to achieving the UN goals by adopting the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and committing to a Baltic Sea in good environmental status by 2021.

Ten years since its adoption, 64 out of 106 regional actions and 11 out of 68 national level actions of the Baltic Sea Action Plan have been fully implemented so far, with successes in setting up a nutrient reduction scheme, curbing airborne emission and discharges from shipping, piloting ecosystem approach in maritime spatial planning, and covering 11.8% of the Baltic Sea with marine protected areas.

All these examples showcase the added value of a regional approach especially to reach the SDG 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”

The HELCOM high-level session is held in advance of the upcoming UN Conference “Our oceans, our future: partnering for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14” to be held on 5-9 June 2017 in New York, co-chaired and co-funded by Sweden together with Fiji. The conference is an opportunity to share experiences from the Baltic Sea region.

* * *

Note for editors

The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as HELCOM, is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.


For more information, please contact:
Susanna Kaasinen
Agri-Environment Coordinator, HELCOM
Tel. +358 40 536 5819
mail: susanna.kaasinen(at)​

Baltic environment in focus of international forum held in Russia

​​​​​​The annual Intern​ational Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” will be held for the 18th time on 22-23 of March 2017 in St. Petersburg, RussiaUN targets, Nord Stream 2 and Krasnyi Bor toxic waste landfill among the topics  he roundtables of the XVIII International Environmental Forum “”, held on 22-23 March 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia, will cover global and regional challenges as well as implementation of environmental projects and programs in the light of the EU Chairmanship in HELCOM.  This year, the event is a part of the frame of the Year of Ecology in Russia and expected to attract, as usual, a high number of participants representing a wide range of experts, authorities and the general public as well as high level speakers tate of the Baltic Sea report – or, HOLAS II – and its forthcoming results mid-2017 will be one topic of the Forum roundtables.The agenda of the Forum, based on the proposals by key stakeholders, reflects the latest issues concerning the Baltic Sea environment and current regional activities assuring good environmental status of the Sea and environmental safety in the region. he agenda includes several round tables devoted e.g. to the following topics: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, other strategies etc. State of the Baltic Sea report (full title: Second Holistic Assessment of the Environmental Health of the Baltic Sea): HELCOM projects, trilateral cooperation for the Gulf of FinlandNord Stream 2Remediation of the toxic waste landfill Krasnyi BorMaritime traffic, agriculture, marine litter> The event is included in the list of activities of the Marine Board of St. Petersburg and activities of St. Petersburg City, being part of the 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia. As is the tradition, the Forum is supported by HELCOM countries and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation etailed information including a draft agenda and other practicalities will be made updated at the website of the organizers () articipation is free of charge. or additional information and suggestions please contact:Ms. Natalia BobylevaTel: +7 (812) 470-6012E-mail:  Mr. Dmitry Frank-KamenetskyProfessional Secretary, HELCOMTel: +358 40 630 9933E-mail: dmitry.frank-kamenetsky(at)helcom.f​ * * * Note for editorsThe Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, usually referred to as , is an intergovernmental organization of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union working to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution and to ensure safety of navigation in the region. Since 1974, HELCOM has been the governing body of the ‘Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area’, more commonly known as the Helsinki Convention.​​​​

The annual International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” will be held for the 18th time on 22-23 of March 2017 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

More transparency and political leadership called for in HELCOM seminar

​​​​​Major sectors in the Baltic Sea spoke out about HELCOM pollution reduction targetsMarine environment protection was high in the agenda of the EUSBSR Strategy Forum in Stockholm this week

Major sectors in the Baltic Sea spoke out about HELCOM pollution reduction targets in this week’s seminar in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum in Stockholm.

Debate about sectors' role in reducing pollution in the Baltic 8 November 2016

​​​​​​​​HELCOM will host a morning seminar on Tuesday 8 November 2016 at 09.30-10.30 in Stockholm, Sweden, on the occasion of the 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Regional Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).​​The seminar, in a form of a debate, is entitled ‘”This is what we need to do for a cleaner sea.” Sectors have their say’.> You can send questions and comment in Twitter: #HELCOM16 The Secretariat has invited representatives of the most relevant marine industries and sectors to speak out their minds about the actions done so far to reach the HELCOM targets in better protecting the Baltic marine environment; whether the present measures are sufficient and if not, why not; and what kind of cooperation, or support, would be welcomed from the policy and science communities, for more speedily reaching the agreed goals. Commentators representing the scientific community, policy-makers and the political level will provide complementary comments and bring in any missing perspective or arguments. State Secretary of Sweden, Mr. Per Ängquist will present the concluding remarks. A short outcome document will be prepared by HELCOM and shared in due time. Please find more information about the seminar, and other HELCOM presence in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum, in the .​​

HELCOM will host a morning seminar ‘“This is what we need to do for a cleaner sea.” Sectors have their say’ in Stockholm, Sweden, in the EUSBSR Strategy Forum – take part in Twitter.