Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

At PRESSURE 10-2019, the HELCOM group dealing with pressures on the Baltic Sea ploughs through nutrients, stormwater and microlitter

Nutrient reduction is central point of discussion at PRESSURE 10-2019.Kaliningrad city gets recommendation to be removed from HELCOM hotspot list because of reduction of nutrient inputs.

Expanded polystyrene will receive special attention from HELCOM. Nutrients, stormwater and microlitter were headlining the Tenth Meeting of HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (PRESSURE 10-2019) that was held in Tallinn from 9 to 12 April 2019.

High nutrient load from land-based sources – the central discussion point of PRESSURE 10-2019 – remains one of the largest pressures on the Baltic Sea, leading to eutrophication that causes growth of toxic algae and oxygen depletion.

At PRESSURE 10-2019, the delegates proposed to advance regional policy instruments to inspire additional efforts for minimizing this environmental pressure on the marine ecosystem. The proposals include further development of the and its follow up system, and of the HELCOM nutrient recycling strategy. will be key for curbing eutrophication.

Specifically, attention was directed to the effectiveness of implemented or planned measures to reduce nutrient load on the marine environment, as well as their sufficiency to achieve targets set by the Baltic Sea Action Plan. The delegates also agreed to intensify cooperation on nutrient reduction with river basin management authorities, for instance through workshops.

The alignment of nutrient reduction targets for river basins with the ones set for the marine environment was also foreseen as a tool for targeted measures to effectively decrease the nutrient load in the Baltic Sea.

The HELCOM delegates also welcomed the first official results from the newly commissioned waste water treatment plant in Kaliningrad. Two years of constant environmental monitoring showed that nutrient input to the Baltic Sea from the city of Kaliningrad was reduced by about 200 tonnes of phosphorus and 1200 tonnes of nitrogen annually.

Because of the improvement, the delegates of PRESSURE 10-2019 recommended to remove the Kaliningrad municipality from the HELCOM Hotspot list where it is currently listed.

“The HELCOM list of hot spots now stands a good chance to become shorter,” said Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky, the Professional Secretary handling nutrient related issues at HELCOM. On stormwater, PRESSURE 10-2019 agreed to revise the related HELCOM Recommendation and to open it to reflections on microlitter and resilience to climate change.

Further on marine litter, Denmark presented a comprehensive study on expanded polystyrene (EPS) which is a widespread litter item found in the Baltic Sea. The delegates subsequently agreed to start work on regional measures to deal with EPS litter.

On underwater noise, PRESSURE 10-2019 agreed on the structure of the Action Plan on Underwater Noise which will be elaborated by 2020. The plan will specifically look into keeping marine habitats undisturbed by underwater noise.PRESSURE 10-2019 was hosted by the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia in Tallinn, and was chaired by Lars Sonesten, Chair of the .

Nutrients, stormwater and microlitter were headlining the Tenth Meeting of HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (PRESSURE 10-2019) that was held in Tallinn from 9 to 12 April 2019.

​BALEX DELTA 2018 final report looks into one of the world's largest exercises on response to oil and chemical spills at sea

 With the now publicly available, insight is given into one of the world’s largest response exercises at sea dealing with oil and chemical spills that took place earlier in 2018 in Swedish waters .According to the report, the confirmed the ability of the Baltic Sea countries to carry out a joint maritime response operation of large scope and dealing with maritime incidents of high complexity.The BALEX DELTA 2018 was particularly challenging, testing capabilities such as chemical diving, night-time oil recovery operations directed by a reconnaissance aircraft, and vessel-to-vessel lightering. It was the largest exercise ever held in the Baltic Sea, mobilizing 18 maritime vessels and about 500 personnel from eight countries and the EU.The findings of the report may also be used to develop proposals to update the , as well as providing recommendations for the design of future exercises.The HELCOM Manual is recommended to be used as guidance when two or more – all Baltic Sea countries and the EU – participate in a joint action responding to spillages of oil and other harmful substances such as chemicals.Held every year since 1989, the BALEX DELTA exercises are conducted under the framework of the  that calls for its signatories – all Baltic Sea nations – to have the necessary operational capacity and skills to respond to any maritime incident at sea and affecting the shore.The BALEX DELTA 2018 edition was held off the coast of Karlskrona, Sweden in August 2018. It simulated a  in harsh weather, with chemicals and oil leaking into the sea and reaching the shore.The final evolution report was written by the Swedish Defence Research agency (FOI). It was published ahead of the final conference on lessons learnt of the exercise that was held in Helsinki earlier in April.BALEX DELTA 2018 was supported by funds from the European Union through its .The next BALEX DELTA edition will be hosted by Denmark in 2019, under the lead of the Defence Command of Denmark. It will also mark the 30-year anniversary of the exercises. 

With the Main Exercise Evaluation report on the BALEX DELTA 2018 exercise now publicly available, insight is given into one of the world’s largest response exercises at sea dealing with oil and chemical spills.

At Interreg conference, HELCOM talks policy making, nutrient recycling and clean shipping

HELCOM shared its views on environmental policy making, nutrient recycling and clean shipping at the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference that was held in Lübeck from 9 to 10 April 2019.Under the theme of , the conference presented the current accomplishments of the Interreg programme’s platforms and projects currently operating in the Baltic Sea region.The Interreg platforms and projects provide valuable scientific and technical underpinnings for HELCOM work. They also facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration, linking HELCOM to the private sector, local authorities and other Baltic Sea stakeholders.The outcomes of the platforms and projects will notably feed the beyond 2021, support the elaboration of the Baltic Sea Regional Nutrient Recycling Strategy by 2020, and contribute to overall policy making at HELCOM.HELCOM is involved in three Interreg platforms where it leads work packages related to policy implementation of the findings:: platform on nutrient recycling, where HELCOM is leading the work package “Policy recommendations for sustainable nutrient management and recycling”: platform management of smart sludge, storm and waste water, manure and energy efficiency, where HELCOM is leading the work package “Facilitation of the regional policy dialog on sustainable water management”, focussing on developing regional policy recommendations on nutrient recycling and hazardous substances.: platform on clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region, where HELCOM is leading the work related to drafting policy recommendations from the outputs of the different projects involved in the platform as well as developing an online dissemination tool to share information related to shipping in the BSRThe Interreg platforms group several Interreg projects with similar topics and objectives. Based on wider scope than the individual projects, the aim of the platforms is to facilitate the development of joint policy recommendations.In addition to the three platforms, HELCOM is also involved in seven Interreg projects.  The has four priorities, namely “Capacity for Innovation”, “Management of natural resources”, “Sustainable transport”, and “EU Strategy support”. Funded by the European Union, the programme backs integrated territorial development and cooperation, and is an agreement between EU member states Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and the northern parts of Germany, as well as partner countries Norway, Belarus and the northwest regions of Russia.Over 300 participants from all around the Baltic Sea and beyond attended the conference that was held in Lübeck, Germany.

HELCOM shared its views on environmental policy making, nutrient recycling and clean shipping at the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference that was held in Lübeck from 9 to 10 April 2019.

Ecosystem approach in maritime spatial planning is the central focus at joint HELCOM-VASAB meeting

To boost coherence in maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region, the 18th Meeting of the joint HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG 18-2019) was convened in Hamburg, Germany from on 27 to 28 March 2019.The ecosystem approach and cross-border consultations were identified as some of the key elements for improved regional coherence in maritime spatial planning (MSP).In maritime spatial planning (MSP), the ecosystem-based approach assures sustainable use of marine resources through correlating the impact our activities may have on the environment, taking into account the full array of interactions occurring in the marine ecosystem.At the meeting, it was also advised to consider the forthcoming recommendations of the Pan Baltic Scope project that are due by end of 2019. is a two-year EU-funded project on MSP in the Baltic Sea region that seeks to support national MSP processes in advancing the implementation of the ecosystem-based approach at the Baltic Sea regional level.The meeting was hosted by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency in Hamburg, Germany. It was chaired by the Co-Chairs of the Working Group, Ms Katarzyna Krzywda from Poland and Mr Joacim Johannesson from Sweden.

To boost coherence in maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region, the 18th Meeting of the joint HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG 18-2019) was convened in Hamburg, Germany from on 27 to 28 March 2019.

HELCOM publishes report on alternative fuels for shipping in the Baltic Sea region

HELCOM in April 2019 published its “” report, as part of the EnviSuM project that looks into clean shipping solutions from both a technical and socio-economic viewpoint.The objective of the report is to provide an overview of the recent developments on alternative fuels in the Baltic Sea, with the focus on liquefied natural gas (LNG). The particular attention on LNG also allows to highlight long-term trends on the adoption of cleaner shipping practices by Baltic Sea countries. With new IMO regulations on sulphur exhaust emissions in place, ship owners have to implement new technology to meet the current requirements, such as scrubber system to “wash” the sulphur from the exhaust gas, shift to low-sulphur marine gas oil (MGO), or switch to alternative types of fuels altogether.Since 2015, all the ships navigating the – comprised of Baltic Sea, North Sea and English Channel – are obliged to comply with the limit of maximum sulphur content of 0.1% in ship fuels. This is five years ahead of the global entry into force of the sulphur regulation in 2020.The report on alternative fuels has been prepared as part of the (Environmental Impact of Low Emission Shipping: Measurements and Modelling Strategies). EnviSuM project addresses both present and future cost of cleaner shipping, as well as the health and environmental effects of ship emissions.In EnviSuM, HELCOM’s role is to provide a policy linkage to the project, to promote the project outcomes, and to facilitate the involvement of the competent authorities from the Baltic Sea region. 

HELCOM in April 2019 published its “Alternative fuels for shipping in the Baltic Sea region” report, as part of the EnviSuM project that looks into clean shipping solutions from both a technical and socio-economic viewpoint.

HELCOM expert interview: Marta Ruiz on marine litter

Why is marine litter of concern? 

Marine litter can be found everywhere, even in the world’s most remote places. It does not belong there. It is an unsolicited input from our industrialised society and consumerism to our aquatic ecosystems. We may not have all the data yet on marine litter and its effects on our seas – not to mention microplastics – but we do know that it is not all that good. Many statements are currently gripping attention, such as that there will be more plastic than fish in our seas by 2050. Personally, I do not know how accurate this figure is. But what if it is true, or only partially true? What we know for sure is that marine litter affects biota: mammals and turtles get entangled in derelict fishing gear, fish eat microplastics, turtles mistake plastic bags with jellyfish and eat them, litter items transfer non-indigenous species and chemicals, and the seabed gets smothered by mounts of trash causing disturbance to the marine habitat. It also affects our health, for instance when we go to a beach and not only find sand there but cigarette butts or sanitary waste. And: litter can also be the cause of accidents at sea. 

What about microlitter, how bad is the situation, and what do we currently know about it? 

Researchers are working hard to fill the knowledge gaps on microlitter and microplastics, such as looking for a harmonized methodology to sample them in different matrixes. Which method is more representative and provides results with less error? Should we analyse water, sediment, biota, or both? Microplastics are not simple to analyse. It can take up to three weeks to examine a water sample in a laboratory, not to mention the required investment in laboratory equipment. In the meantime, while researchers do their work, we should use the knowledge that we already have. We can adjust our consumption patterns, for instance avoiding personal care products that contain microplastics such as certain tooth pastes or facing scrubbers, or avoid abrasive blasting. We should also minimise the use of single use plastic items, since they are a source of so-called secondary microplastics once decomposing in the environment. What is the general situation in the Baltic in regards to microplastics?In the Baltic Sea, when it comes to microplastics, we are still at the early stage. We have just started to gather supporting data. The recently concluded contains a descriptive section on marine litter, a first for this kind for the Baltic Sea. What we know today is in relation to marine litter in general. But since plastics are the main component of litter – accounting to over 70% of the beach litter –  and bearing in mind that part of the microlitter are secondary microplastics originating from the decomposition of larger plastic items, we can expect similar findings on microlitter.  

What are the HELCOM actions on marine litter in general? 

Currently, the HELCOM Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter addresses what we thought, in 2015, to be the most relevant sources of input of marine litter: waste management including sanitary waste, plastic bags, microplastics, as well as abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG), historic landfills closed to coastal areas, expanded polystyrene (EPS), bottles and containers, and waste related to fishing and aquaculture. Last but not least, the plan also includes actions on education and outreach. On microplastics, the plan identifies several actions, notably on stormwater management and removal of micro particles in waste water treatment plants. HELCOM recently also joined an EU-financed Interreg project on microplastics, FanpLesstic-sea. The project will tell us more about microplastic in the region: what is its composition, and where does it come from, through which pathways does it enter the Baltic. Also, the project will show us if technology can help to minimise the amount of microplastics that enter the sea, for instance through wastewater treatment plants. 

What are the expected outcomes of the FanpLESStic-sea project?

The FanpLesstic-sea project is quite ambitious, but, at the same time, quite realistic. It has managed to mobilize experts who know how to monitor microplastics and model their pathways, as well as experts from the wastewater treatment sector with hands on experience on eliminating microplastics from their effluents. HELCOM, for its part, will provide its regional perspective on the topic, sharing already gained and on-going experience through the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter and translating the outputs of the project to policy messages to be shared with the HELCOM countries. Specifically, the main outputs of the project will be to map microplastic pathways, understand new technology for microplastics removal, and defining frameworks that will enable cost-efficient and implementable measures. 

What else is HELCOM doing in regards to microplastics?

HELCOM is currently working on an indicator on microlitter in the water column. Although there is currently no coordinated monitoring of microlitter in the region, some national monitoring programmes in certain Baltic Sea countries already address microlitter in the surface water or sediments, or both. It is now up to HELCOM to propose a harmonized method for monitoring microliter in the water column at the regional level. In any case, the foundation for durable solutions on microplastics has already been laid with the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter, where the HELCOM countries committed to address the Baltic Sea’s marine litter problem – including microplastics.

​At Baltic Sea Day 2019 in Russia, the focus is on nutrient reduction in support of HELCOM work

Opening of the BSD 2019Plenary Session on 22 March 2019. © HELCOM Looking back on 20 years of its existence as a platform addressing the environmental challenges of the Baltic Sea, the (BSD 2019) was held in St. Petersburg, Russia from 21 to 22 March 2019. This year, nutrient recycling and management was the central focus of the forum.Currently, about 97% of the Baltic Sea is affected by eutrophication, with the lead cause being the excessive input of nutrients to the sea from land-based sources, such as from agriculture. In a bid to curb eutrophication, HELCOM has been tasked by its members to devise a Baltic Sea nutrient recycling strategy by 2020. This work is currently carried out under the lead of Finland, also holding chairmanship of HELCOM until mid-2020.”A circular economy is key to a more sustainable production and consumption system, and a nutrient recycling strategy supports this very much,” said Hannele Pokka, Permanent Secretary at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment who sat on the BSD 2019 forum’s high-level panel debating about nutrients.During the forum, other Baltic Sea topics such as biodiversity conservation, fisheries, environmental consequences of physical damage to the sea floor, underwater noise and marine litter were also included in the programmes of several roundtable sessions.The topics discussed during the forum were addressed against the backdrop of the that is bound to be renewed in 2021. The BSAP update was presented in more detail by HELCOM Chair Saara Bäck.”There is always a great interest to attend and contribute to the [Baltic Sea Day] roundtables,” said the HELCOM Executive Secretary Monika Stankiewicz , further stressing that the event provides a “priceless opportunity for exchange, joint planning and networking” between stakeholders from science, administration and policy across the entire Baltic.Since 2000, the Baltic Sea Day Forum has been held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and organized in cooperation with HELCOM. During its 20-year history, it has become a key platform for the environmental dialogue on the Baltic Sea at the regional and global level.The event traditionally also features an award ceremony recognising the efforts of the recipients on environmental matters of the Baltic Sea.This year, among other awards, Certificates of Merit from the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia were handed over to Natalia Tretiakova, the Russian HELCOM Head of Delegation, and Natalia Kutaeva, the vice-chair of the HELCOM Maritime, for their substantial contribution to international cooperation and their role in organizing the event.The forum is now coordinated by the Government of St. Petersburg, the State Company “Mineral”, and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation***For more information:Dominik LittfassCommunication

Looking back on 20 years of its existence as a platform addressing the environmental challenges of the Baltic Sea, the XX Anniversary International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” (BSD 2019) was held in St. Petersburg, Russia from 21 to 22 March 2019

Aerial surveillance of spills and discharges at sea in the Baltic gets scrutinized at HELCOM meeting in Tallinn

IWGAS-2019 participants in front of the new Estonian surveillance plane in Tallinn on 21 March 2019. The plane is used to track both accidental spills and illegal discharges at sea. © HELCOMImproving surveillance of spills and discharges at sea was a main subject at the Annual Meeting of the HELCOM Informal Working Group on Aerial Surveillance (IWGAS 2019) that was held in Tallinn, Estonia from 20 to 21 March 2019.In Tallinn, the HELCOM members presented their respective national surveillance activities and finalised their work on the 2018 edition of the HELCOM Annual report on discharges observed during aerial surveillance in the Baltic Sea.To ensure a more efficient surveillance of the Baltic Sea, IWGAS 2019 notably agreed to update the coverage requirements of satellite imagery. Aerial surveillance is key for responding to discharges at sea of hazardous substances such as oil or chemicals, regardless of being accidental or intentional.“Aerial surveillance coupled to the Automatic Identification System (AIS) that tracks vessel movements is an efficient way to monitor illegal discharges at sea,” said Markus Helavuori, the HELCOM Professional Secretary in charge of maritime affairs, adding that “regular aerial surveillance can be very dissuasive.” At IWGAS 2019, Estonia also presented its new surveillance plane, a Beechcraft King Air B350ER that is in operation since July 2018.The meeting took place at the premises of the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia and of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Aviation Group.***For more information:Markus HelavuoriHELCOM Professional Secretary in charge of maritime

Improving surveillance of spills and discharges at sea was a main subject at the Annual Meeting of the HELCOM Informal Working Group on Aerial Surveillance (IWGAS 2019) that was held in Tallinn, Estonia from 20 to 21 March 2019.

At UNEA-4, HELCOM furthers the debate on marine litter

​Monika Stankiewicz, HELCOM Executive Secretary, addressing the UNEA-4 assemblyHELCOM participated in the that took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 11 to 15 March 2019, where it particularly contributed in advancing the debate on marine litter, microplastics and ocean-literacy.UNEA-4 saw the launch of the by , a group of scientific experts that provides advice to the UN on marine environmental protection. Staff from the HELCOM Secretariat were involved in the development of the guidelines which contain several references to HELCOM work on marine litter.At UNEA-4’s , HELCOM also shared its experiences on drafting and implementing the . During the event, focus was also placed on single use plastic items, as well as the need to address, together with the fishing sector, the issue of lost, abandoned, discarded or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG).Monika Stankiewicz, HELCOM Executive Secretary (1st from left) with Peter Thomson, UN Secretary General Special Envoy for the Ocean (3rd from left), Lisa Emelia Svensson, Global Director of Ocean at UN Environment (4th from left), Takehiro Nakamura from UN Environment (3rd from right), Marta Ruiz from HELCOM (1st from right) and other delegates attending UNEA-4.UNEA is the world’s highest-level environmental forum attended by Heads of State, environment ministers, CEOs of multinational companies, NGOs, environmental activists, and more, to discuss and make global commitments to environmental protection.”HELCOM, like its [regional seas] sister organizations around the world, are a bridge between the global commitments and the national action in each of the regional seas we manage,” . “Our cooperation under UN Environment and its Regional Seas Programme creates a unique opportunity to advance the implementation of the global commitments.”Indeed, HELCOM is currently updating its strategic programme for a healthy Baltic Sea, the Baltic Sea Action Plan, closely integrating the , the , and the objectives of the .Under the twin theme of “Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production”, UNEA-4 took a critical look at our consumption patterns.”For all the progress inspired by the Global Goals, one barrier impedes them all: the choices we make in our everyday lives continue to fuel consumption and production habits that are increasingly extending beyond the limits of our planet,” said H.E. Siim Kiisler, President of the 2019 UN Environment Assembly and current Minister of the Environment of Estonia. The country is a .The sixth , UN Environment’s flagship report on the overall state of our environment and how it affects our social and economic status, was also presented to the public during UNEA-4.

HELCOM participated in the Fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4) that took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 11 to 15 March 2019, where it particularly contributed in advancing the debate on marine litter, microplastics and ocean-literacy.

HELCOM addresses future orientations and adopts key recommendations on environmental protection during its annual meeting

At the 40th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission that was held in Helsinki (HELCOM 40-2019), Finland, from 6 to 7 March 2019, the HELCOM members addressed key orientations for the future, and also adopted several recommendations aimed at strengthening the environmental protection of the Baltic Sea.

The HELCOM countries adopted the HELCOM Recommendation on Conservation and Protection of Marine and Coastal Biotopes, Habitats and Biotope Complexes. This document contains specific steps to protect and conserve all marine and coastal biotopes, especially the endangered and vulnerable ones indicated on the HELCOM Red List.

“Currently, there are 59 different biotopes under threat in the Baltic Sea. Most of these biotopes are threatened directly due to eutrophication, or indirectly through oxygen depletion, and due to disruptive fishing methods,” said the HELCOM Chair, Ms Saara Bäck, in her statement at the meeting. “The new recommendation recognizes that these habitats may not be covered by existing regulations and therefore require protection beyond the scope of existing measures.”

Still on biodiversity, HELCOM 40-2019 also approved the HELCOM Action Plan for the protection and recovery of Baltic sturgeon. Once an integral part of the Baltic Sea ecosystem, the sturgeon became extinct in the 1950s. The plan aims at a recovery of the species within two generation periods.

Moreover, the members approved the revision of a HELCOM Recommendation directing the Baltic Sea countries to develop maritime spatial plans that consider integrated coastal management relying on the ecosystem-based approach.

HELCOM 40-2019 also adopted the amendments made to the Volume 1 of the HELCOM Response Manual that deals with oil spills and general provisions related to maritime incidents and spills.

On the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), HELCOM members furthermore took note of the ongoing update process, particularly welcoming the recent establishment of HELCOM initiatives to analyse the sufficiency of measures.

“For its part, the strategic plan for the BSAP update is advancing steadily, with first steps towards its implementation already taken through the establishment of initiatives for the analysis of sufficiency of measures – the EU-funded HELCOM-led ACTION project and the HELCOM platform on sufficiency of measures (HELCOM SOM Platform),” said the HELCOM Executive Secretary Ms Monika Stankiewicz in her official statement to the Meeting.

“Working closely together and drawing on interdisciplinary expertise from across the Baltic Sea region, both initiatives [will be] analysing if the measures that are currently in place are sufficient to achieve good environmental status for the Baltic Sea,” she said.

HELCOM 40-2019 was also the occasion for HELCOM stakeholders to present their work, with BONUS – a joint Baltic Sea research and development programme – presenting three of its projects, namely BONUS-BAMBI that deals with genetic variations and climate change, BONUS-BALTICAPP on climate change and its effects on the Baltic Sea, and BONUS-GO4BALTIC that looks into the cost-effectiveness of Baltic Sea environmental projects. In total, BONUS has invested almost EUR 100 million in 48 projects across the Baltic Sea region.

The success of BONUS has led to the inception of BANOS CSA (Baltic and North Sea Coordination Support Action) that aims at widening the geographical scope of BONUS from the Baltic Sea to also include the North Sea and the English Channel Sea.

BANOS CSA strategic partners are HELCOM, OSPAR, ICES and JPI Oceans. The HELCOM members particularly welcomed the BANOS CSA initiative and mandated HELCOM to deepen the regional cooperation within the new platform and its sister organisations from the other seas, notably on sharing scientific knowledge to reach the ecological objectives set for the Baltic Sea.

During the meeting, the ResponSEAble project took the opportunity to present its work on ocean literacy, with a focus on behaviour change.

In addition, HELCOM 40-2019 granted the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) – an international financial institution established by the Nordic governments – observer status to HELCOM.

HELCOM 40-2019 also endorsed the nomination of Mr Rüdiger Strempel from Germany as the next Executive Secretary of HELCOM. Mr Strempel will start in August 2019, replacing Ms Monika Stankiewicz.

The Meeting was attended by all Contracting Parties, by Chairs and Vice-Chairs of HELCOM Groups, and the following observer organizations: Baltic Farmers’ Forum on Environment (BFFE), Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC), Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC) and Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions – Baltic Sea Commission (CPMR BSC), Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB), Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) as well as invited guests from the BONUS research projects and the ResponSEAble project.

For further information, please contact:

Dominik Littfass
Communication Secretary