Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

Staff & structure

  • E-mail address format:
  • Special characters (such as Nordic diacritics): use basic latin characters
  • Double names with hyphen: include hyphen (e.g. “Double-Name“)
  • Double names without hyphen: attach both names (e.g. “DoubleName“)

Who to contact for general enquiries?

The HELCOM Secretariat

Rüdiger Strempel

An international lawyer by training, Rüdiger Strempel looks back on many years of experience of environmental law, policy, and diplomacy at the national and international levels, with a particular focus on international marine conservation.

Professional Secretaries
Lena Avellan (WG BioDiv, WG Fish, WG GEAR)
Katarina Viik (WG Maritime, WG Response, WG Sea-based pressures)
Lotta Ruokanen, Deputy Executive Secretary (WG Source to sea, HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG)

Communication Secretary
Eeva Nyyssönen

Administrative Officer
Riina Kero

Associate Professional Secretaries
Susanna Kaasinen
Petra Kääriä
Laura Meski
Florent Nicolas
Marta Ruiz

Administrative Assistants
Leena Heikkilä
Tiina Ylönen

Data Analyst
Juuso Haapaniemi

Senior Data Manager
Joni Kaitaranta

IT Systems Administrator
Ilkka Raitanen

Indicator Manager
Owen Rowe

Aino Ahvo
Venla Ala-Harja
Gastón Alurralde
Luke Dodd
Rosario Domínguez
Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky
Manuel Frias Vega
Andriy Grafov
Jannica Haldin
Camilo Hernández
Theodor Hüttel
Kimmo Koivumäki
Vasileios Kouloumpos
Katja Laingui
Daniel Malnes
Andžej Miloš
Cecilia Nyman
Kemal Pınarbaşı
Laura Ramos Tirado
Markus Raudkivi
Albina Samarhan
Deborah Shinoda
Paul Trouth
Agnes Unnuk
Jasmina Uusitalo
Eetu Virtanen
Lois Watt

Qi Song (Trainee researcher – PROTECT BALTIC)
Andrea Sozzi (Data Trainee – PROTECT BALTIC)

All staff in alphabetical order

Mock Employee
Aino Ahvo

Project Researcher
+358 44 7068 102

Mock Employee
Venla Ala-Harja

Project Researcher
+358 44 786 8240

Mock Employee
Gastón Alurralde

Project Researcher
(Baltic SIREN, HAPHazard)

Mock Employee
Lena Avellan

Professional Secretary
(WG GEAR, WG BioDiv and WG Fish)
+358 44 901 4276

Mock Employee
Luke Dodd

Project Researcher

Mock Employee
Rosario Domínguez

Project Coordinator

Mock Employee
Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky

Special Advisor
+358 40 630 9933

Mock Employee
Manuel Frias Vega

Project Researcher – Geospatial Solution Designer
+358 44 794 4462

Mock Employee
Andriy Grafov

Project Researcher
(Holistic Action Plan – Hazardous substances, HAPhazard)

Mock Employee
Juuso Haapaniemi

Data Analyst

Mock Employee
Jannica Haldin

Special Advisor
+358 40 485 5905

Mock Employee
Leena Heikkilä

Administrative Assistant
+358 46 850 9202

Mock Employee
Camilo Hernández

+358 44 493 7686

Mock Employee
Theodor Hüttel

Project Researcher
(HELCOM Red List II)

Mock Employee
Susanna Kaasinen

Associate Professional Secretary
+358 40 536 5819

Mock Employee
Joni Kaitaranta

Senior Data Manager
+358 46 850 9206

Mock Employee
Riina Kero

Administrative Officer
+358 40 358 7701

Mock Employee
Kimmo Koivumäki

Data manager and GIS Data Specialist
+358 44 707 1801

Mock Employee
Vasileios Kouloumpos

Project Researcher
(HAPhazard / support for BSAP Action H1)
+358 44 770 0140

Mock Employee
Petra Kääriä

Associate Professional Secretary
+358 40 753 0016

Mock Employee
Katja Laingui

Financial and Administrative Coordinator
+358 44 710 4392

Mock Employee
José Leal

Backend Developer

Mock Employee
Laura Meski

Associate Professional Secretary
+358 40 820 1725

Mock Employee
Andžej Miloš

GIS Applications Developer
(Baltic Data Flows, eMSP, EMERGE, HELCOM Red List II)
+358 40 628 1869

Mock Employee
Florent Nicolas

Associate Professional Secretary
+358 40 668 3145

Mock Employee
Cecilia Nyman

Project Coordinator
+358 44 709 1614

Mock Employee
Eeva Nyyssönen

Communication Secretary
+358 40 647 3996

Mock Employee
Kemal Pınarbaşı

Project Coordinator
+ 358 40 681 5323

Mock Employee
Ilkka Raitanen

IT Systems Administrator

Mock Employee
Laura Ramos Tirado

Communications Specialist

Mock Employee
Markus Raudkivi

Project Coordinator

Mock Employee
Owen Rowe

Indicator Manager
+ 358 40 162 2054

Mock Employee
Marta Ruiz

Associate Professional Secretary
+358 40 647 2424

Mock Employee
Lotta Ruokanen

Deputy Executive Secretary, Professional Secretary
(WG Source to sea, HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG)
+358 40 505 0392

Mock Employee
Albina Samarhan

Project Financial Coordinator
+358 40 584 2059

Mock Employee
Deborah Shinoda

Project Coordinator
+358 40 844 2269

Mock Employee
Qi Song

Trainee Researcher

Mock Employee
Andrea Sozzi

Trainee Researcher

Mock Employee
Rüdiger Strempel

Executive Secretary
+358 40 509 6031

Mock Employee
Paul Trouth

Communications Coordinator
+358 44 7106 202

Mock Employee
Agnes Unnuk

Project Coordinator
(HELCOM Red List II)
+358 44 714 2976

Mock Employee
Jasmina Uusitalo

Project Coordinator
+358 44 901 4177

Mock Employee
Katarina Viik

Professional Secretary
(WG Maritime, WG Response, WG Sea-based pressures)
+358 44 494 6727

Mock Employee
Eetu Virtanen

Project Coordinator
+358 44 760 3782

Mock Employee
Lois Watt

Project Researcher
+358 44 730 9492

Mock Employee
Tiina Ylönen

Associate Administrative Officer
+358 40 596 1263