Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

WG Fish

HELCOM Working Group on Ecosystem-based Sustainable Fisheries

WG Fish deals with fisheries in relation to the implementation of the ecosystem approach. Moreover, the group works on finding solutions about how the fisheries sector could further contribute to reaching Good Environmental Status of the Baltic Sea.

WG Fish involves representatives from fisheries and environment authorities of the Baltic Sea countries, as well as EU, and HELCOM Observers and others as appropriate.

By adopting the Baltic Sea Action Plan, the HELCOM Contracting Parties recommended that all fisheries management should be developed and implemented based on the ecosystem approach in order to enhance the balance between sustainable use and protection of natural marine resources.


Action areas


Mock Employee
Marianne Goffeng Raakil

Chair of WG Fish
Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Division for Fisheries, Game Management and Reindeer Husbandry (Sweden)

Mock Employee
Katarzyna Kaminska

Vice-chair of WG Fish
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland

Mock Employee
Lena Avellan

Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat

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