Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

HELCOM launches shipping data platform   

HELCOM has long collected various shipping and maritime-related data within the HELCOM Maritime  Working Group, Expert Groups and projects. Now, this data is more accessible than ever with the launch of a new, user-friendly shipping data platform.    

The platform is organized into three sections for easy navigation: 

  • Dashboards: Interactive charts and figures displaying e.g. time series of amounts of illegal oil spills observed in the Baltic Sea 
  • Stories: Stories and more in-depth information based on project results, showcasing various aspects of shipping in the Baltic Sea. 

The shipping data platform utilizes datasets published in HELCOM Map and data service with customized visualizations tailored for these specific datasets. Datasets are results from specific projects or resulting from the annually collected data flows under HELCOM data collection policy. All datasets can be downloaded from the HELCOM Metadata catalogue

Go to shipping data platform


Joni Kaitaranta

Senior Data Manager, HELCOM