Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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Reducing nutrient pollution can cost less

​​The 2013 HELCOM nutrient reduction scheme is a step towards cost-efficient water protection, suggests a recent by the University of… Read More »

New recommendation adopted on Baltic Sea protected areas

HELCOM work on (MPAs) took a major leap forward as the new Recommendation on coastal and marine Baltic Sea protected… Read More »

New guide helps ships to reduce alien species via ballast water in the Baltic

​ has released today a to Alien Species and Ballast Water Management in the Baltic Sea, to mitigate the harmful… Read More »

Latest information on underwater noise and marine litter top the agenda of HELCOM meeting

Best measures to monitor and assess underwater noise and marine litter in the Baltic Sea, and especially the development of… Read More »

Flight hours dropped in detecting spills in the Baltic

The new HELCOM on illegal discharges in the Baltic Sea indicates a drop in flight hours, particularly in Sweden and… Read More »

IMO decision on Nitrogen emissions from ships provides a clearer framework for the Baltic

With the active involvement of the member states including all Baltic Sea countries, the International Maritime Organization’s () Marine Environment… Read More »

New project improves eutrophication assessments on Baltic-wide scale

High quality assessing of the entire Baltic Sea’s eutrophication status is expected to greatly improve through a new Project, soon… Read More »

Finding pharmaceutical flows from St. Petersburg to the Baltic Sea

​First pilot results on pharmaceutical flows and microplastic litter from St. Petersburg waste waters to the Baltic Sea were published… Read More »

New HELCOM Communication strategy adopted

The strategic direction for HELCOM internal and external communication has been set and adopted by the HELCOM Annual Meeting last… Read More »

HELCOM devises a fitness programme

The first part of a more modern HELCOM is ready and agreed on, describing a plan for major deliverables by… Read More »