Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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New project improves eutrophication assessments on Baltic-wide scale

High quality assessing of the entire Baltic Sea’s eutrophication status is expected to greatly improve through a new Project, soon… Read More »

Finding pharmaceutical flows from St. Petersburg to the Baltic Sea

​First pilot results on pharmaceutical flows and microplastic litter from St. Petersburg waste waters to the Baltic Sea were published… Read More »

New HELCOM Communication strategy adopted

The strategic direction for HELCOM internal and external communication has been set and adopted by the HELCOM Annual Meeting last… Read More »

HELCOM devises a fitness programme

The first part of a more modern HELCOM is ready and agreed on, describing a plan for major deliverables by… Read More »

Statement by Executive Secretary on the 2013 HELCOM Activities

​Statement by the Executive Secretary of HELCOM, Mrs. Monika Stankiewicz, giving her account on the activities of the Commission in… Read More »

Region’s key current issues reviewed in HELCOM Annual Meeting

​The 35th Annual Meeting of closed yesterday evening after reviewing the current and relevant key issues related to regional policy-making… Read More »

Higher political support needed for cleaner Baltic, says Halonen

​President Tarja Halonen and HELCOM Executive Secretary Monika Stankiewicz. Photo: Marco ManziJoyful mood accompanied the HELCOM 40th anniversary Jubilee session… Read More »

Main celebrations for 40-year Helsinki Convention start tomorrow

​Honorary guests, expert speakers and panelists, and the extended HELCOM family will celebrate tomorrow 5 March the 40th anniversary year… Read More »

Baltic progress in marine protected areas discussed with global executive

​The renowned efforts of HELCOM on marine protected areas (MPAs) are addressed today in a high level visit of Executive… Read More »

Baltic monitoring and assessment experience contributes to EU Conference

A major Brussels conference ‘Healthy Oceans – Productive Ecosystems ()’ opens today bringing together those working with or in relation… Read More »