Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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Ten years of data exchange on ships’ movement in the Baltic region

​​​​​​​​​​​Experts on the maritime Automatic Identification System () technology from Baltic coastal countries and Norway met today and yesterday to… Read More »

Final report ready on coordinated monitoring in the Baltic region

​​​​​​The summary on key results of a large project on coordinated environmental monitoring in the Baltic Sea has recently been… Read More »

Nutrients to the Baltic Sea are decreasing, HELCOM follow-up shows

How the countries are doing in reaching their HELCOM nutrient reduction targets was a priority topic of the HELCOM Pressure… Read More »

Baltic-wide monitoring improves as HELCOM indicators develop

​​Final touches for the key set of region-wide indicators is a prominent point in this week’s of the HELCOM Working… Read More »

Saving up nutrients in agriculture for a healthier Baltic Sea

​​​​​​​​Nutrient bookeeping at farm level is explored in a HELCOM workshop finishing today in Oldenburg, Germany. Nutrient bookkeeping, a key… Read More »

HELCOM finalizing Recommendation on sustainable aquaculture

​​​​​​​​​The HELCOM Recommendation on aquaculture is the lead topic in a Fish group continuing today in Warsaw, Poland, as most… Read More »

St. Petersburg event sparks discussion on the critical state of the Baltic Sea

​The HELCOM-supported which started today in St. Petersburg, Russia is a popular forum for regional environmental dialogue arranged for 15… Read More »

New Sweden-led project on Baltic maritime spatial planning kicks off

​A brand new project Baltic SCOPE, with HELCOM participation, has been launched this week in Gothenburg, Sweden, coordinated by the… Read More »

More detailed reporting expected for aerial surveillance

​Better reporting on harmful discharges other than oil from ships to the Baltic Sea is discussed by the HELCOM on… Read More »

New edition of cruise ship sewage report in the Baltic Sea released

​HELCOM has released a of the HELCOM Overview on Baltic Sea Sewage Port Reception Facilities 2014. The report provides information… Read More »