Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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German Minister insists on less marine litter

​​New regional action plans to combat marine litter in Baltic Sea and North-East Atlantic have been key topics today during the… Read More »

Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea the topic of upcoming HELCOM report

​​​​​​HELCOM showcased yesterday the work on a regional status on pharmaceuticals at the global in Stockholm, Sweden. The report, scheduled… Read More »

Flight hours declining to detect spills from ships in the Baltic Sea

​​​The total number of surveillance flight hours in the Baltic Sea dropped again in 2014 according to the annual HELCOM… Read More »

HELCOM contributes to the United Nations report on oceans and the law of the sea

​Upon request, HELCOM contributes an update each year to the report of the United Nations Secretary-General on oceans and the… Read More »

“It is indeed time to act”, Crown Princess of Sweden about Baltic Sea environmental challenges

Photo: CharlesHammarsten/The Royal Court, Sweden​​Her Royal Highness Crown Princess​ Victoria of Sweden opened the VI Annual Forum of EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea… Read More »

Illegal discharges under joint surveillance in the Baltic and North Seas

​​​​​​​Aircraft from six countries from Baltic Sea (HELCOM) and North Sea (Bonn) areas carried out a joint international aerial surveillance… Read More »

HELCOM expected to endorse Recommendation on aquaculture

​​The delegates representing all Baltic coastal states as well as the EU are expected to agree on HELCOM Recommendation on… Read More »

Sub-regional targets to strengthen Baltic marine pollution response

​​​​​National marine pollution response authorities from the Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union wrapped up yesterday the annual… Read More »

Baltic Sea countries plan to save nutrients for the benefit of farmers and environment

​​​​​​​​​​Photo: Helena RosenlewAdvancing nutrient management to the routine practices of agricultural production, including in manure fertilization, is a leading topic… Read More »

Thirty years of unbroken monitoring on radioactivity in the Baltic Sea

​​​​Despite a general decreasing trend of concentrations of radionuc​lides, the Baltic Sea still is one of the most polluted sea… Read More »