Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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HELCOM kick-starts work on underwater noise

​​​Suppressing harmful underwater noise in the Baltic Sea tops the agenda of the HELCOM Pressure group this week, as the… Read More »

New Guideline adopted on ecosystem-based approach in maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea

​​​​The careful preparations were rewarded yesterday and an important goal reached upon finalization of the for the implementation of ecosystem-based… Read More »

Cross-border planning of the Baltic Sea moves ahead

​​​​​A new set of regional guidelines for carrying out cross-border consultations over maritime spatial plans between the Baltic littoral states… Read More »

HELCOM’s ship data used for planning the Baltic Sea

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​HELCOM’s vast data on ships’ movements in the Baltic Sea are analysed to support the 2-year maritime spatial planning project… Read More »

HELCOM-OSPAR methods for invasive species tested in America

​​​​​Ships’ ballast water and related risk assessment procedure is the topic of a taking place today and tomorrow in Gdansk, Poland,… Read More »

Marine conservation in sharp focus this week

​Marine and coastal protected areas in the Baltic Sea () and North-East Atlantic were addressed right at the start of… Read More »

Successful oil disaster response operation at Pomeranian Bay

​​​ Crew of Kapitan Poinc from Gdynia, Poland deploying the oil boom of 600 meters.Twenty ships under the HELCOM flag conducted today a… Read More »

Passenger ship sewage and the Baltic Sea in HELCOM web

​​Cruise ships’ sewage continues to raise concern in the Baltic Sea, as untreated discharging to the sea has a polluting… Read More »

HELCOM meets EU Commissioner for Research

​​Stressing the successful link between science and policy was a key point of Executive Secretary of HELCOM, Monika Stankiewicz, in… Read More »

MEDIA ADVISORY – Largest oil response exercise in the Baltic Sea region

​​​​What                    HELCOM Balex Delta 2015. A designated boat will be ready for registered media to observe the international drill from… Read More »