Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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First coordinated survey of Baltic wintering waterbirds started

​​​​​​​​​​For the first time, an effort is being made by seven Baltic coastal countries to coordinate the counting of all… Read More »

Six pollution hot spots cleaned up in the Baltic Sea

​​​​​​​Six waste water treatment plants were approved for deletion from the HELCOM list by the high-level Baltic coastal country representatives,… Read More »

Noise, aquaculture and conservation among top items for HELCOM delegates

Starting tomorrow, the country delegates of HELCOM will gather to decide upon a great amount of issues concerning the Baltic… Read More »

Effectiveness of Baltic seal conservation reviewed

​​​Progress of the Baltic Sea countries in conserving seals is being discussed by the  of HELCOM Seal expert group continuing… Read More »

HELCOM will assess a decade of Baltic maritime activities

​​​​​​​​​National maritime traffic authorities from the Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union will meet at the annual of… Read More »

Effective manure management brings opportunities to the Baltic

​​​Significant opportunities for nutrient recycling as well as decreasing nutrient losses to the Baltic Sea can be achieved through effective… Read More »

Inter-regional work starts on marine birds

​​Inter-regional cooperation on marine birds moves ahead this week as the first meeting of the new joint working group on… Read More »

Full week on Baltic nature conservation and monitoring

​​Protection of biodiversity and assessing the state of the environment will be addressed this week by the meeting of the… Read More »

New database open for HELCOM protected areas in the Baltic Sea

​​​​​​Easier access to more detailed information on coastal and marine Baltic Sea protected areas (HELCOM MPAs) will be available for… Read More »

On the way to healthy status: new HELCOM indicators launched

​Abundance of Indicators on coastal and migratory fish are the first of 19 new HELCOM  launched this fall, as a result of… Read More »