Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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Notes on the Estonian Chairmanship of HELCOM

​​​On 30 June 2016, by Harry Liiv, Chair of HELCOM 2014-16 Estonian chairmanship in HELCOM focused on pollution management, management and… Read More »

HELCOM promotes cleaner practices for ships’ sewage

​​​​​​​​​This week the positive progress in management of ships’ sewage in the Baltic Sea region is further boosted by a… Read More »

Response on the shore brings good neighbours even closer

​​​​​​Latvia and Lithuania demonstrate joint onshore capacity at Balex Delta 2016. During Balex Delta regional exercise in Klaipeda this week​, Latvian and… Read More »

Oil disaster drill in the Baltic Sea completed successfully

​Ten cubic meters of popcorn played the leading role of a large oil slick today offshore Klaipeda, Lithuania, in the… Read More »

HELCOM countries submit Baltic Sea NECA application to IMO

​​Final stage for HELCOM in making the Baltic Sea area cleaner from Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions from ships was reached… Read More »

MEDIA ADVISORY – Oil disaster exercise in the Baltic Sea

​What                     Oil response exercise HELCOM Balex Delta 2016 When                   Tuesday 21 June… Read More »

Toxic waste landfill Krasnyi Bor visited by HELCOM experts

​​​​Finding cost-efficient solutions to remediate the pollution from a large waste landfill Krasnyi Bor in St. Petersburg, Russia, is the… Read More »

International Workshop on Port Reception Facilities (PRF) for the Baltic Sea

​​​​International Workshop on Port Reception Facilities for the Baltic Sea as Special Area according to MARPOL Annex IV will be… Read More »

Radioactivity in the Baltic Sea keeps declining

​​The HELCOM expert group on radioactive substances has reviewed this week the latest scientific reports for the year 2015 revealing… Read More »

Workshop in Russia advances NECA for ships in Baltic and North Seas

​​​Russian Federation hosts a this week on Baltic Sea and North Sea NECAs in St. Petersburg, to advance the action… Read More »