Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission

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HELCOM Chairs' speeches at the diplomatic lunch

EU HELCOM Chairmanship. Speech by Ms Marianne Wenning, Chair of the Helsinki Commission,at the HELCOM Diplomatic Lunch, 12 October 2016,… Read More »

Pollution response on Baltic shores gets refined

​​​​​​​​​International cooperation to respond to spillages of oil and other harmful substances in the Baltic Sea area moves ahead as… Read More »

A new era for HELCOM cooperation on ballast water

​​​​​Fifth HELCOM country – Finland – ratified last week the Ballast Water Management Convention for shipsThis fulfilled the world-wide criteria​ for… Read More »

Does it pay off to protect the Baltic Sea?

​​​​Finding out the economic damages of a deteriorating state of the Baltic Sea is a key task for HELCOM experts… Read More »

Baltic Sea Clean Shipping Guide released

​​​​​​​​New and extended version of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Clean Shipping guide has been released in both electronic and print… Read More »

HELCOM looks into the future of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea

​​​​​​​​​​The future of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea region, more specifically the environmental dimension and related planning work, is… Read More »

Checking up pressures on the Baltic environment

​​​​​​Since most of our activities on land and at sea create pressures on—and changes to—the sensitive marine environment, mapping the… Read More »

Shared support for the threatened Baltic harbour porpoise

​​This week the harbour porpoise, the threatened and also the only small whale (cetacean) species of the Baltic Sea, gets… Read More »

Small Danish vessel brings Atlantic spirit to HELCOM Balex Delta 2016

​​​​​​​​​Danish Naval Home Guard vessel MHV 904 Lyø sails 700 nautical miles with 12 crew from Esbjerg on the Danish… Read More »

Notes on the Estonian Chairmanship of HELCOM

​​​On 30 June 2016, by Harry Liiv, Chair of HELCOM 2014-16 Estonian chairmanship in HELCOM focused on pollution management, management and… Read More »