Baltic Marine Environment
Protection Commission


HELCOM Expert Group on Dredging/depositing Operations at Sea

Dredging and depositing of dredged material have an impact on the marine environment, especially on the integrity of the seafloor and on benthic communities. Hazardous substances released in consequence of dredging activities can also be of concern.

Based on the HELCOM Recommendation 36/2 on the management of dredged material at sea, the HELCOM Expert Network on dredging and subsequent depositing operations at sea (EN DREDS) was initially established in 2017. In 2021, the name of the group was changed to the Expert Group on Dredging/depositing Operations at Sea (EG DreDS).



Mock Employee
Katarina Viik

Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
+358 44 494 6727

Mock Employee
Juuso Haapaniemi

Data Analyst
HELCOM Secretariat

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