EG Stur
Expert Group on Sturgeon Remediation
The purpose of the expert group is to contribute to the implementation of the HELCOM Action Plan for the Protection and Recovery of the Baltic Sturgeon (BSSAP) and to give scientific advice to relevant HELCOM bodies.
The Work of EG Stur includes the support of the coordination effort and the outline of best practice technologies for the relevant implementation steps. The expert group is intended to be a platform for all matters related to sturgeon conservation and management. It will provide expertise on activities and scientific knowledge related to sturgeon to HELCOM and facilitate collaboration between scientists to prepare scientific publications.
The work of the expert group is closely linked to the implementation of Baltic Sea Action Plan activity B18 to “Restore functional populations of Baltic sturgeon by 2029 by implementing the HELCOM Baltic Sea Sturgeon Action Plan”.

Jörn Gessner
EG Stur Chair
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

Lena Avellan
Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat

Petra Kääriä
Associate Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat