Expert Group on Marine Mammals

The HELCOM Expert Group on Marine Mammals (EG MaMa) comprises marine mammal experts, scientists, and managers from the HELCOM Contracting Parties around the Baltic Sea. Representatives from the fisheries sector also participate to enhance dialogue between the environment and fisheries sectors regarding the protection and management of marine mammals.
EG MaMa succeeded the ad hoc SEAL Expert Group, which was established under HELCOM Recommendation 27-28/2 and met annually since 2006.
The group’s tasks, as outlined in its workplan, guide the activities of EG MaMa and its three specialised teams:
- Marine Mammal Health Team
- Seal Population, Abundance and Distribution Team
- Harbour Porpoise Population, Abundance and Distribution Team
For further information about these teams, please contact the HELCOM Secretariat.

Anders Galatius
Chair of EG MaMa
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University
+45 28710372

Lena Avellan
Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat

Florent Nicolas
Associate Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat