Note: The Baltic Sea Day 2020 has been postponed to 23-24 March 2021.

The Baltic Sea Day 2019 attracted close to 1000 participants in 2019 © HELCOM
Date: 19 to 20 March 2020
Venue: the Expoforum Conference & Exhibition Centre, Peterburgskoye sh. 64/1, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The Twenty First International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” will be held in St Petersburg, Russia from 19 to 20 March 2020 at the Expoforum Conference & Exhibition Centre, concurrently with the Big City Ecology exhibition.
The Forum traditionally aligns with the current HELCOM work, with a central emphasis on the Baltic Sea Action Plan themes, as well as regional cooperation on Baltic Sea environmental matters.
19 March 2020 – Forum Day 1.
Plenary session with welcome address and panel discussion on the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. After lunch, parallel round table discussions will be held (panel discussions, workshops). The now traditional award ceremony in honour of the Vernadsky Environmental NGO Foundation will also take place on this day, recognizing special merits and scientific achievements in the field of ecology and environmental protection.
20 March 2020 – Forum Day 2.
Continuation of the round table discussions. Closing session and discussion of future plans as open and extended meeting of the Organising Committee to wrap-up the Forum and set new trends for next one.
The tone for the panel discussion at the Baltic Sea Day Forum could be set by the outcomes of the HELCOM Stakeholder Conference to be held in Helsinki, Finland on 3 March 2020 and where the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) is expected to be reviewed.
Current interests of the Baltic Sea region development are going to be raised for presenting and discussing including hazardous substances, MSP, river basin management, mitigation of climate changes etc.
Registration and latest information
Registration procedures and the latest information about the agenda and other practicalities are available on
Registration is now open, register here.
For cooperation, contributions and any other issued connected to the Baltic Sea Day Forum, contact the Organizing Committee within the State Company “Mineral” via e-mail – or

About the Baltic Sea Day Forum
The Baltic Sea Day Forum has been held since 2000 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. During its 20-year history, it has become a key platform for the environmental dialogue at the regional and global level. Since its beginnings, the Baltic Sea Day Forum has attracted participants from all sectors and with a wide range of backgrounds from all over the Baltic Sea region and beyond, supporting a continuous and fruitful cooperation for a healthy Baltic Sea. In the best tradition of sharing experiences, raising awareness, fostering discussion, and presenting achievements and future plans, the Forum has actively contributed towards the ambitious goals for the conservation and protection of the Baltic Sea environment.
The Forum is coordinated by the Government of St. Petersburg and the State Company “Mineral”, with support from HELCOM, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of St. Petersburg.
About Mineral
The state company “Mineral” has been officially designated as the national coordinator of the HELCOM activities in the Russian Federation by the Ministry of natural resources and environment of the Russian Federation in May 2017. One of the tasks to be fulfilled is the organization of the annual International Environmental Forum Baltic Sea Day.