ResponSEAble Workshop

The responseable regional workshops on ocean literacy
Baltic Sea Region: How literate are wo on such a well known issue as Eutrophication?
14-15 June 2017
German Federal Ministry of the Environment
Krausenstrasse 17-18,
This workshop is organized by the partner of the ResponSEAble project: Baltic Environmental Forum Germany. One of our tasks is to gather a group of “smart & creative” people to think with us about ocean literacy in relation to eutrophication in the Baltic Sea – we have defined the motto, the challenge for the event:
In the Baltic Sea Region we are advanced in research, policy shaping, and communication with stakeholders – but we still find eutrophication as the biggest issue for the Baltic Sea. How come? The knowledge is out there (do we know enough, do we look behind the scenes at the drivers?). It has been communicated for decades – Did we discuss with the right stakeholders? Did we communicate the right messages? Who are the actors in the value chain – Are there opportunities for change and improvement? For whom?
We would like to encourage the discussion along this “thread”. We are searching for participants in charge of education and awareness raising campaigns to develop Ocean Literacy in research/education institutions, NGOs, industry bodies, and national/international management or policy-making organizations.
You can register for the event at:ResponSEAble Workshop Registration
The good news: We have a budget for travel and accommodation costs of participants and speakers, so you can approach us if you are not already participating in the 8th Annual Forum of the Baltic Sea in Berlin (13-14 June) and can create synergies in your travel arrangements in case you are not located in Berlin.
Event Logistics:
Ms. Parvina Samadova
Baltic Environmental Forum Germany
Osterstrasse 58DE 20259 Hamburg