Baltic Sea day, St. Petersburg

22-23 March 2016 in St. Petersburg, Russia
The International Forum “Baltic Sea Day” is an esteemed platform for environmental dialogue and a live meeting point for national, regional as well as global participants representing a wide range of sectors. The Forum has been successfully organized for 16 consecutive years.
We are planning to discuss personal environmental footprint for the Baltic Sea.
The high level representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the relevant Ministries of the countries of the Baltic region, HELCOM Secretariat, scientific institutes, International Financial Institutions, NGOs and enterprises are expected/invited as participants of the Forum.
The year 2016 is special for the HELCOM family due to the 20th anniversary of establishment of 22 of March as the official Baltic Sea day. We are happy for the opportunity to celebrate this anniversary together with our friends and partners.
The Forum of 2016 will focus on:
- Maritime spatial planning;
- Nature conservation;
- Chemical pollution of the Baltic Sea;
- Efficient use of energy and water – best practices of cleantech clusters of Baltic region
- Organic farming and Best Available Technologies (BAT) in agriculture
- Outcomes of the Gulf of Finland Year 2014.
The draft programme can be downloaded here (link).
Hotel “Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya”, Korablestroiteley str. 14, St. Petersburg, Russia.
To Register
As usual, the participation in the event is free of charge. To register please use this link: . We are kindly asking you to register by 26 February 2016.
In case of problems with the electronic registration, please contact Aleksandra Kapustina, tel: +7 (812) 431 11 67.
Contact Informaton
Please forward your proposals and questions to the main organizer of the Forum SPb Public Organization «Ecology and Business»:
Programme: Ms Ekaterina Vorobyeva (
Technical issues : Ms Natalia Bobyleva (
Looking forward to seeing you at the 17th “Baltic Sea Day”!