Baltic Sea Day 2015

XVI International Environmental Forum “Baltic Sea Day” will be held on 18-20 March 2015 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Forum has traditionally been a good alternative platform which allows for global as well as regional environmental dialogue without any restrictions.
Baltic Sea Day, with its participants from all sectors of the Baltic society is ready to continue the fruitful cooperation for ahealthy Baltic Sea in the best traditions of our big Baltic family. The Forum has been successfully organized in 15 consecutive years.
Topics in focus in 2015 will cover the general directions within HELCOM agenda during the next two years. Main topics will be presented to the wide Baltic audiences on the plenary session for discussion:
- HELCOM priorities during the presidency of Estonia
- Summary of significant projects and processes in the region,
such as
- 2014 Year of the Gulf of Finland – results
- Global Water Partnership – Global Dialogue on Water security and Sustainable Growth
- St. Petersburg Initiative – interim results
- Nord Stream: Results and data of the environmental monitoring programme of the pipeline “Nord Stream” in 2014
- Marine and coastal protected areas of Russia: Status and Prospects
Sessions, or round tables, will be devoted to:
- Energy efficiency
- Green agriculture
- Marine litter
- Sustainable sewage sludge handling
- Best practices of environmental education
and other key environmental topics.
Traditionally representatives of administration, science, business, NGOs, mass-media all take part in the Forum. We are expecting a high level of representation from HELCOM countries at the Forum in 2015. We are also planning to invite our partners from other regions outside the Baltic to share our Baltic experience.
Participation in the event is free of charge for all participants.
Full programme is available in the dedicated webpage
“Ecology and Business”, St. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/fax: +7 812 430 93 06
Practical issues : Ms.Bobyleva Natalia
Programme issues: Ms.Ekaterina Vorobyeva